Causes and Cures For Body Odor
OdorTraditional knowledge is that perspiration is the root of body odor. However, perspiration on it's own is largely unscented, but it's the bacteria and odor coming from different sources that are the genuine perpetrators.
Anaerobic bacteria, which flourish when your body does not have enough oxygen, could be the reason for your body odor. As the body's metabolism goes to work, it offloads odor which is the body's way of ridding itself of waste products. Any imbalances in metabolism will end up in stronger odors. We suggest you visit our halitosis, Foot odor and Sweaty Hands sections for detailed consultations of some of the causes and cures. Since we are talking about waste products you have to consider poisons as a possible reason for body odor. In today's world we are snowed under with poisons in our houses, food, and air that acquire in the body when the organs of elimination can't lose them. The liver and guts might be obstructed, causing odors to spring from the body, so we suggest an exhaustive detox program by cleaning the liver, kidneys and colon.
At some point in the future we're going to have a total section on this vital process. Diet imbalances, leading to bowel problems or a deficiency of magnesium or zinc might be other causes of body odor. See our Hard stools section for causes and cures. Due to somebody's body chemistry, some folk who eat large amounts of beef or who are vegetarians have a particularly particular body odor which can be quite offensive. Some people can't metabolize foods containing big amounts of choline, eg eggs, fish, liver and legumes. The result's a "fishy" smell. If you are one of these folk, cut out these products and see whether this is the reason behind your odor. Certain foods and drinks, eg onions, garlic, curry, certain spicy foods, coffee and alcohol, are also prime causes. Fried and baked products may contain rancid fats and oils that lead to body odor.
Over all, your best bet is to cleanse your colon. Flushing your system will get rid of the toxins that have built up over the years and you'll find that your body odor will reduce significantly.
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