Read Bad Vaginal Odor - Remedies to Eliminate It Fast more

Does your vaginal odor smell like stale fish? Is the bad vaginal odor accompanied by unusual discharge and vaginal itching? If yes, then in all probabilities you must be suffering from Bacterial Vaginosis.

Most doctors prescribe medicines and vaginal creams to eliminate vagina smell. However the thing about medicines is that it provides only temporary relief. Once the effect of medicines wears off the odor comes back. This is because medicines do not eliminate the root cause of the infection. It merely helps to suppress the odor.

Natural remedies are the best way to treat bad vaginal odor. There are some very simple natural cures which you can use yourself to eliminate the smell. Some of these are:

* Wipe your vagina dry after every visit to the toilet. Ensure that you always wipe from front to back

* Clean the vaginal area with plain soap and warm water at least twice day. It is important to clean the vagina after an intercourse too. Don't make use of scented soaps and cleansers which contain harmful chemicals. These chemical can irritate the delicate vaginal area and worsen the infection.

* Start wearing cotton panties that absorb well and let your vagina breathe. Till such time that your infection clears up completely stay away from g-strings, synthetic material thongs, any fancy, tight underwear and pants.

* Make use of a hydrogen peroxide douche. Douche once everyday with a mix of 1/4 portion 3% hydrogen peroxide and 3/4 portion distilled water. This is basically a cleansing agent which will help to get rid of the harmful bacteria responsible for the bad vaginal odor. At the same time it will create the right kind of environment for the good bacteria required in a healthy vagina to thrive in.

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Bad Vaginal Odor - Remedies to Eliminate It Fast