Study Foot Odor Treatment - Get Rid of Smelly Feet additional

One way to get rid of stinky feet is by prevention. You can prevent having foot odor by making sure that you keep your feet clean. Keep your feet dry thorough out to prevent any moisture remaining in your feet. This kind of moisture may also cause bad odor. You should also make an effort of wearing acrylic socks. This type of socks will absorb any kind of moisture in your feet and are warm and comfortable. Socks made of nylons will cause feet odor.

Vodka can also get rid of foot odor. It contains alcohol, which is an antiseptic that dries immediately. Take a clean cloth and soak it in vodka then wipe your feet. It works by eliminating bacteria and fungus on the feet that cause foot odor.

You can also prevent smelly feet by foot sprays. There are available in the market at an affordable rate. They normally work by absorbing the sweat in the feet and keeping your feet cool. Spray your feet at least three times a day depending on your activities.

You can also treat smelly feet that is caused by sweat by getting a botox injection. It contains botulinum toxin that will reduce the amount of sweat in your body. It is quite costly but it works.

Another method involves treating the feet by placing them in a pool of water and subjecting them to a low electrical current. This treatment can be conducted three times a week to avoid foot odor. Consult any feet specialists in your area.

You can use a deodorant on your feet too. Put it right in the spots that there is a lot of friction between your feet and shoes. The other option would to get a surgery that interferes with the nerves that cause sweat. This method is also quite costly.


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Foot Odor Treatment - Get Rid of Smelly Feet


Understand How To Stop A Vaginal Smell That Stinks - Vagina Odor Causes much more

How To Stop A Vaginal Smell That Stinks - Vagina Odor Causes


Vaginal Smell: I hate the word stink but at the minute my vagina is doing just that. Okay so your vagina doesn't smell to healthy, what is wrong with that? It's perfectly normal to have vaginal odour! Would I be right in saying you know the difference between a normal odour to that of an abnormal one, therefore the reason for querying why your vagina is so smelly. I don't like the word stink either, so from now I'll use words like smelly, unhealthy, offensive, unpleasant, nasty or whatever, anything but stink, oh and pong too another word I don't like to use

Just because the vagina is neatly tucked away for the best part of the day, doesn't mean you should forget about it. Them that choose to ignore its existence, not checking what it is up too, could at some time suffer heartache even pain if something happens they're not aware of until it is too late. Regular inspection is a must, if this goes amiss then the more serious side of things like vaginal disease can easily kick in.

For the record: Women have their own original smell but it should never be foul. And vaginal discharge is normal. Discharge should appear creamy white or clear, other from this is an indication something is wrong. It doesn't have to be something serious but still get a doctor's opinion.

There's always going to be odor in the genital area, but if it is not going away after a good scrub then infection cannot be ruled out. Before you go panicking, poor hygiene can also do this. You don't have to be a dirty person if that's what your thinking to have a personal hygiene problem. You can wash the vagina over and over but if not thoroughly cleaned then smell will remain. Having said this intense washing is not the answer either, and neither is it good to douche, that is unless under doctors orders. Feminine odor is something every woman of reproductive age may suffer at some time. It can develop when there is an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the vagina which disrupt the pH balance of the vaginal flora.

Bacterial vaginosis is the infection to look towards if a fishy smell with a runny white or grey discharge is present. If its more a yeasty odor, then its likely a yeast infection, which typically brings more discharge and looks like clotted cheese.

Odour times and explanations

Menstruation: The vagina is an organ that self cleans, but when on your periods it needs help as it can only do so much in the way of getting rid of smell and stale blood. Menstrual odour can be strong and in most cases of unpleasant smell is due to not giving the genital area a thorough wash. A quick swill with water or a wet flannel is not enough to rid odor and other. Menstrual blood doesn't smell and comes from one of the cleanest parts of the body. The vagina is clean because it's slightly acidic to keep a good balance of bacteria, but blood can alter the pH of the vagina which then affect's bacterial balance. Being a nutritious substance bacteria thrive off menstrual flow. Blood and bacteria exposed to air will in return become smelly. A lot of the time sanitary products are to blame because they stop blood from drying which encourages bacterial growth.

Because tampons hold blood this can affect the pH, so now the vagina is an ideal place for bacteria to grow, with warmth, moisture, nutritious menstrual blood and oxygen from the fibres. Sanitary towels prevent blood being absorbed or drying, so, keeps bacteria alive.

Prime time for odor is after sexual intercourse: A mix of smells inside the vagina along with lingering ejaculate will cause the odor thats questioned, especially by them having sex for the first time. Semen has its own unique smell.

Aggressive cleaning can destroy the natural vaginal flora (lactobacilli).

Sweating is a common cause of genital smell. More moisture means more bacterial growth.

Sweet foods and drinks can increase the amount of yeast in the vagina, upping the odds of a yeast infection.

Cancer of the cervix, uterine or bowel: Bad odor can be caused by cancerous cells within the cervix. Although particular infections have symptoms that include a watery discharge and stinks, cervical cancer may also bring similar symptoms.

Vaginal or genital herpes is caused by a virus normally passed onto another through skin to skin contact during sexual intercourse. Both vaginal yeast and vaginal herpes may cause discharge, odor, burning, itching, inflammation, irritation, redness and blisters. So which is which? Vaginal herpes symptoms, itching and burning normally stay at two locations, whereas with yeast, itching can branch out anywhere in and around the vagina and vulva. Aside from smell herpes discharge is usually thick and yellow.

Poor hygiene: Soap and water and plenty of it is the solution for sorting out an odor problem that is if infection isn't present. If you don't have an original odour but one that's unpleasant call and see your doctor to find out the reason why it's changed.

Do you suffer from genital infection often? Which is it bacterial vaginosis? or other

Understand How to Get the Smell of Cat Urine Out of Hardwood Floors a lot more

Are you looking for the best way to get the smell of cat urine out of hardwood floors? Cat urine can be a very hard smell to get rid of, and when it soaks into hardwood floors the problem can be even more difficult. Lets look at the best way to get rid of the smell and also the stain.

There are a couple of things to look at when it comes to cleaning cat urine out of hardwood floors, the smell and also the stain. You may notice the floor taking a darker shade, and this indicates the wood has been damaged and could be unrepairable. If this is not the case, and you do not have any dark or black patches on your hardwood floor, then this cleaning solutions will help.

The first thing to do is find the area of the hardwood floor which has urine soaked in. If you are unsure, or want to check the whole floor, a black light will show where the urine is located. I would do this first, so that you know which areas to clean. There is not point doing one area, waiting a few days only to realise you havent cleaned up the worst of it.

You will need a diluted solution of 1 part distilled white vinegar and 3 parts water. You can use this solution on carpets too, but a stronger equal mixture can be used. Test the diluted solution on a small area first to make sure it does not have any adverse effects to the finishing product which your hardwood floor might be covered with.

If you have tested the solution, add it to a clean spray bottle for easy application. If the urine stain is fresh, soak up as much as you can using paper towels, so that you don't spread the pee around. Allow the spray to soak in a small amount, and then clean away with a soft cloth. It is not necessary to work it into the wood, as this will happen naturally, simply wiping away after a few minutes is enough. If you are confident and know how your floor reacts to moisture, than you can saturate the area, but this is at your discretion.

You can also use baking powder as another added way of combating the pungent smell. All you have to do is sprinkle it on the floor, and vacuum away after 5 to 10 minutes. The baking powder absorbs the smell and moisture which is in the wood.

This simply home remedy for cleaning away cat urine is very effective, and cheaper than many products you can buy in pet stores. We have looked at how to get the smell of cat urine out of hardwood floors with a homemade remedy. It is very important now, to find out why your cat has changed, and has decided not to use their cat litter box.

Odor Removal

Get the ultimate Cat Urine Odor Removal Recipe that removes cat urine odor and stains for good! This easy to make secret recipe, has helped me and thousands more around the world, simply click on the link to get your hands on the recipe now.

How to Get the Smell of Cat Urine Out of Hardwood Floors

Odor Removal

Understand Are There Any Vitamins For Body Odor? much more


Lot of people have been asking me recently if there are any special Vitamins for Body Odor.

Right off the top of my head, I hadn't heard of any specific vitamins that would be effective against 'Bromhidrosis' (nerd-talk for B.O.). So in my typical fashion, I took my query to Big Daddy Google.

Big Daddy Google did lead me to some very interesting insights about this Body Odor problem and when I combined it with everything else I'd been researching recently, it all started making a lot of sense.

I don't want you to get too excited, but I think I may have found a cure for chronic, offensive Body Odor.

So Are There Vitamins For Body Odor?

Well, yes actually. Well, kinda. There's this natural product I recommend to people that is said to help against body odor. I never used it specifically for Bromhidrosis, but I did use it as I was Stacking to cure my hyperhidoris.

But I found something else that's even cooler. It actually points to something that could cause body odor directly...

Did you know--according to an article at your colon can be retaining up to 10 POUNDS of "undigested food, foul and putrefied fecal matter" all trapped in your intestinal tract?

10 POUNDS! That's disgusting.

So what it went on to say was that among other things, this clogged-up colon can be a source of a whole hodge-podge of different medical conditions...

Heart palpitations, headache, hypertension, decreased energy levels, looking and feeling bloated, fatigue, excessive sweating, and yup, you guessed it--Body Odor.

When I learned that, I thought, "Vitamins for Body Odor? Screw that, I want the cure!"

So as I continued consulting Big Daddy Google for different answers, something else occurred to me too...

You see, there are a few ways to get all that junk build-up out of your body. The most common way is through a Detox of some sort. That's when you drastically change your eating habits for a set period of time. Usually a few days or weeks.

But once you finish with the Detox--and believe me, I Detox once every couple of months--your body starts acting and feeling differently.

Apparently, your body operates a whole lot more efficiently in the few weeks after a good Detox. Which makes sense, being that it was just cleaned out. It's like how your car feels a little younger after a tune-up.

So anyway, with your body in tip-top shape, it absorbs nutrients better. So if you end up wanting to try vitamins for Body Odor, then if it's going to be effective, it will be much more effective after a nice Detox fast.

What's Next?

To learn more about Chronic Body Odor (Bromhidrosis) visit is THE #1 Authority on everything Excessive Sweating. Visit the site right now and read more than 200 original Sweating and Body Odor articles like this one.

Are There Any Vitamins For Body Odor?

Go through Why Cat Urine Smell is So Awful and What Can You Do About It? more

Cat urine smell can become a nightmare. The ammonia-like smell is overwhelming. When your cat uses the litter box, cat urine smell is not a problem. You just have to change the litter box every day and clean it thoughtfully every few days. It is something you have to get used to because it is part of your cat' s life. I mean that urine happens, right, and there is no way to stop it. If this annoys you, you just have to find a solution or maybe having a pet is not for you.

Cat urine smell can become a nightmare, one that you have while completely awake, if your cat starts peeing on different spots of your home instead of using its litter box. I have suffered this and believe me you better find a solution before you lose your mind.

It is a battle you have to win and the first step is to know your enemy. Always remember that your enemy is not your cat, he is not doing this to piss you off. The enemy is your cat urine smell and stains.

The urine has three main components: urea, urochrome and uric acid. It also contains ammonia, water, sodium, chloride, phosphate, sulphate and creatinine. The exact composition can vary and it will depend on your cat's diet.

The three main components are responsible for the overwhelming cat urine smell and for the problems you have when trying to remove the urine stains.

Urea is what makes urine sticky once it begins to dry. It is fairly easy to clean up using different products.

Urochrome is the pigment that causes the yellow color in urine. It is what glows under an ultraviolet light.

You can wash away these two components with ordinary cleaning and products commercially available to remove cat urine smell.

The third main component, uric acid, is the problematic one. Uric acid is what causes the strong cat urine smell and make any urine stain a big challenge to remove. In cats, uric acid is more concentrated than in other urine. Cats are not big water drinkers so their urine tends to be more concentrated and so it is the uric acid.

Uric acid contains insoluble salt crystals. These crystals remain tightly bonded to any surface. If you clean using ordinary products, it may seem that the problem is solved, but only apparently. Any type of moisture will reactivate those remaining salt crystals, releasing the cat urine smell again, and this time it will be worse.

The process goes like this: in a first stage, bacteria decompose the urea giving off an ammoniacal odor. In a second stage of the decomposition process mercaptans (the same we find in skunk spray) are emitted.

If bacteria are not destroyed, they will continue to grow producing ammonia and mercaptans making the cat urine smell much worse.

Now that you know a little more about your enemy, you have three important tasks to do:

First task- You have to find the spots where your cat has peed on.

If the urine is not fresh it can be very difficult to locate. In this case you should use an ultraviolet light. It will make the urine glow and it will be easy for you to see the exact spot.

Second task -You have to remove the urine odor and stains.

There are plenty of products specifically created to remove stains and odor. Not all of them work well and give you the desired results. Some remove the odor and the stain but only temporarily not permanently. Others remove the stain but not the cat urine smell. See my recommended products to remove cat urine smell and stains permanently.

Third task-You must determine the reasons why your cat is peeing everywhere and not in its litter box.

It can be a medical problem or a behavioral one.

Odor Removal Products

If you want to know more about the reasons that are causing your cat peeing everywhere visit, you will also find the best cat urine smell and stain removal products. I have done the research for you.

Why Cat Urine Smell is So Awful and What Can You Do About It?

Odor Removal Products

Read Cleaning Up Dog Vomit additional

Every now and then, your pooch is bound to get an upset stomach. Consequently, he or she may inadvertently vomit somewhere in your house. Whether your pooch throws up on your carpet, furniture, or carpeting, it is bound to be a stressful occasion for you. There are a few methods of dealing with dog vomit that you can attempt, and this article will attempt to review the most effective ones.

Keep in mind that vomit is very acidic. The longer you allow it to sit on the carpet, the more it will seep into the fibers. The first order of business is to remove as much of the vomit as possible. If the vomit has become caked onto the carpet, adding a little water to loosen it up and allow you to pick up more of the vomit. Next, apply a generous layer of salt or baking soda to the vomit stain. Then allow the area to dry. Then vacuum the area thoroughly. Repeat this step at least once. Afterwards, douse the area with club soda and gently blot until discoloration and odor begins to fade. This process should typically rid an area of stains and odors.

If the home-made vomit removing remedy fails to properly clean your carpeting, there are various products you can purchase that are adept at cleaning vomit and other types of stains. Just be certain to purchase a non-toxic cleaning agent that is safe to use on your carpeting or any other location that your pet is likely to explore. A great example of one of these non-toxic products is Nature's Miracle Stain and Odor Remover. There are many other products that can also be effective.

Cleaning up your dog's vomit is never a pleasurable experience, but with some preparation and attention to detail, you can get the job done quickly and efficiently and have your carpet looking and smelling as good as new in no time.

I've found the easiest way to clean Dog Vomit is with Nature's Miracle Stain and Odor Remover. It is safe for use around pets and kids plus it works quickly and naturally to thoroughly destroy all stains and odors (that are organic) on carpets, hardwood floors and many other types of surfaces. Nature's Miracle is the safest and best working stain remover on the market today.

Cleaning Up Dog Vomit

Odor Removal Products