Understand How to Get the Smell of Cat Urine Out of Hardwood Floors a lot more

Are you looking for the best way to get the smell of cat urine out of hardwood floors? Cat urine can be a very hard smell to get rid of, and when it soaks into hardwood floors the problem can be even more difficult. Lets look at the best way to get rid of the smell and also the stain.

There are a couple of things to look at when it comes to cleaning cat urine out of hardwood floors, the smell and also the stain. You may notice the floor taking a darker shade, and this indicates the wood has been damaged and could be unrepairable. If this is not the case, and you do not have any dark or black patches on your hardwood floor, then this cleaning solutions will help.

The first thing to do is find the area of the hardwood floor which has urine soaked in. If you are unsure, or want to check the whole floor, a black light will show where the urine is located. I would do this first, so that you know which areas to clean. There is not point doing one area, waiting a few days only to realise you havent cleaned up the worst of it.

You will need a diluted solution of 1 part distilled white vinegar and 3 parts water. You can use this solution on carpets too, but a stronger equal mixture can be used. Test the diluted solution on a small area first to make sure it does not have any adverse effects to the finishing product which your hardwood floor might be covered with.

If you have tested the solution, add it to a clean spray bottle for easy application. If the urine stain is fresh, soak up as much as you can using paper towels, so that you don't spread the pee around. Allow the spray to soak in a small amount, and then clean away with a soft cloth. It is not necessary to work it into the wood, as this will happen naturally, simply wiping away after a few minutes is enough. If you are confident and know how your floor reacts to moisture, than you can saturate the area, but this is at your discretion.

You can also use baking powder as another added way of combating the pungent smell. All you have to do is sprinkle it on the floor, and vacuum away after 5 to 10 minutes. The baking powder absorbs the smell and moisture which is in the wood.

This simply home remedy for cleaning away cat urine is very effective, and cheaper than many products you can buy in pet stores. We have looked at how to get the smell of cat urine out of hardwood floors with a homemade remedy. It is very important now, to find out why your cat has changed, and has decided not to use their cat litter box.

Odor Removal

Get the ultimate Cat Urine Odor Removal Recipe that removes cat urine odor and stains for good! This easy to make secret recipe, has helped me and thousands more around the world, simply click on the link to get your hands on the recipe now.

How to Get the Smell of Cat Urine Out of Hardwood Floors

Odor Removal