Nowadays, there are so many different manufacturers for air purifiers. While these products differ in their appearance and price, they can also vary according to their features. There are some purifiers for allergens, chemicals, tobacco smoke removal, odor removal, and pet odor removal available on the market. Not all purifiers will offer all of these functionalities so it is important to know exactly what you are looking for in a purifier so that you can accurately compare them before making the decision to purchase one. This article will discuss some of the best air purifiers for odors.
Among the best air purifiers for odors, there are several different products competing for the top spot. Included on the list is IQAir GC Multigas, IQAir HealthPro Plus, AllerAir Exec Air Cleaner, Austin Air Healthmate, Blueair and many others.
The first on the list, IQAir GC Multigas is truly recognized as the front runner when it comes to removing odors thanks to its HyperHEPA and 4-step filtration technology. This model removes a wide spectrum of odors, allergens and chemicals. Pets odors, musty smells and cooking odors are easily removed with this model.
The Austin Air HealthMate is known for its reliability and for being affordable. Aside from being an economical choice, these purifiers only require minimal maintenance along with its low cost for filter replacement. Both the Austin Air HealthMate and the HealthMate Junior are top-quality air filters for tobacco smoke and odor removal.
Also on the list of the best purifiers for odors is AllerAir. This brand provides its users with superb HEPA filtration and removes chemical gases and odors efficiently. The purifiers under this brand are capable of eliminating volatile organic compounds (VOC) through its impressive amount of high grade carbon. An additional feature of the AllerAir brand is they have a UV germicidal light to further deal with your air cleaning needs by destroying bacteria and viruses.
Blueair units when used with the SmokeStopĂ‚™ filter are also great air filters for tobacco smoke and odor removal. These purifiers are suitable for rooms of up to 900 square feet. Thanks to its patented electrostatic and HEPASilentĂ‚™ technology, 99.97% of even the tiniest micro particles is collected.
There are so many different purifiers on the market at the moment, all suitable for different needs. When looking for the best air purifiers for odors, be sure to include these models in your search.
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