Do NOT use common household cleaners for your cat urine removal tasks as they are ineffective against uric acid.
Regular household cleansers are designed for your normal everyday clean up jobs like grease and dirt. Cat Urine stains contain five different kinds of bacteria two of which are associated with the cats marking scent. The other components are in the cat spray, urine and uric acid and make it really tough to get rid of.
The first two components are relatively easy to clean up but it is the uric acid with its crystals and salt that is extremely difficult. It is these that cause the lingering odour that is almost impossible to get rid of. The crystals are insoluble and they bond tightly to anything that they land on. You may have cleaned and cleaned the various puddles and thought that the job successful only to find that after a short while the cat urine odor returns.
In order to completely eliminate the smell and stain of the cat urine the crystals have to be removed from the surface they are sticking to.
There are effective commercial cleaning solutions that contain a pet enzyme cleaner and are specifically manufactured to attack the cat urine components. There are several reputable pet enzyme cleaners available at your local pet store. Read the instructions carefully and follow them completely for best results. If the stain is very old, it will take several applications to completely eradicate the stain and odor.
Alternatively however, there are various homemade recipes that are pretty good at getting rid of the odor and stain permanently.
Pick up a FREE homemade recipe for Cat Urine Removal [] that will cost you only pennies or cents.
We love our cats dearly but sometimes the clean up can just about overwhelm us.
The Blog that has a delightful approach to an unpleasant task with plenty of tips and advice.