Read through What Causes Vaginal Odor In Women? much more


If you are one of the many women who suffer from smelly vagina odor, don't be alarmed. While vaginal odor can be an extremely unpleasant and upsetting problem for a woman, it is important to keep in mind that every woman will suffer from this feminine condition at least once in their lifetime and are usually a result of certain causes.

In many cases, bad feminine odor is not cause by poor hygiene. You can be in good medical condition with no underpinning infection and you may still have a strong unpleasant genital odor.

There are a number of different reasons in which you can have vaginal odor. Some of these reasons are excessive sweating, douching, wearing of tight clothes or use perfumes or inappropriate lubrication inside the vagina.

Other possible reasons for women to have smelly vagina odor may be caused by discharges occurring during the menstruation cycle or after having unprotected sex, or even by things as seemingly insignificant as stress. Though uncommon, sometimes diet can also affect the genital pH factor causing the vagina to smell bad.

However, if you suddenly notice a strong vaginal odor that smell fishy, it may be due to a vaginal infection caused by an overgrowth of bacteria called Gardnerella vaginalis in the vagina. Women who suffer from this form of infection may also experience an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge that appears white, gray or yellowish.

Other medical causes for having bad vagina smell can also include cancer of the cervix, uterine or bowel, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and sexually transmitted diseases.

To minimize or eliminate vaginal odor, it is very important that you avoid wearing tight clothes and underwear. Cotton underwear are the best choice for avoiding vagina odor. In addition, make sure you wash your vagina daily with warm water and unscented soap. Avoid using scented soaps or body wash since they can actually irritate and worsen the problem. Using a scented douche or excessive douching to wash the vagina may also be the cause of your problem.

As well as hygiene factors, watch what you eat. Avoid eating heavily spiced food or consuming large amounts of alcohol which can build up the amount of yeast in your vagina causing a foul odor. Drink more water and having lots of fresh fruits that are known antioxidants such as prunes, blueberries, oranges, banana, spinach and beets to keep the vagina flushed of bacteria and other contaminants.

If you are concerned about smelly vagina, take comfort in knowing that you don't have to. Learn to get rid of vaginal odor once and for all... and start feeling fresh, sexy, confident again today!

What Causes Vaginal Odor In Women?


Read through Pet Stains and Odors Removal - The Cleaning Tools and Materials far more

There are a number of cleaning tools that one can use in the removal of pet stains and odors that would work well with cleaning solutions and agents. These tools and equipment would come in handy in not just cleaning pet stains but other stains as well and would be a good investment if you are constantly dealing with stain removal.

1. Paper towels and highly absorbent cloth. These would work in all kinds of floors when dealing with pet stain removals. This help soak up as much urine as possible from affected areas. Paper towels are great absorbents and disposable. If you want to use products that you can reuse, absorbent cloths such as surgical absorbents cloths are handy and can be washed after use.

2. Extractor or Wet Vacuum. If you are in a cleaning service or if you are simply plagued by pet stains on your carpet at home this would be a very good investment. This vacuum cleaner can be purchased at your local hardware store and would work wonders for your carpet cleaning. This vacuum/extractor works by forcing clean water on your carpet and forcing the dirty water back up again. Make sure that you follow all the instructions when using these products and avoid using chemicals with this product as clean water would be sufficient in removing the stain. However in some cases such as if the pet stain has already set, it may be necessary to use cleaning agents just make sure that it is compatible with your vacuum.

3. Abrasive scrubs and brushes. These scrubs and brushes may be necessary in removal of tough stains but will not be applicable to all types of flooring materials. Take caution when using these abrasive scrubs and brushes so that you do not further the damage on the flooring.

4. UV flashlights or UV lamps. If you are in the cleaning business or having trouble locating pet stains or soiled areas by your pets, UV light will be very useful as it will be able to show even old stains on your floor.

What to Avoid In Pet Stain and Odor Removal

When dealing with pet stains and odor removal, there are a couple of things that you need to remember so that you do not further damage the area affected.

1. Always use the right tools for the job. This will prevent you from damaging the material that you are cleaning. Avoid using abrasive materials on wooden floors as this can scratch the material.

2. Avoid using steam based cleaners to remove pet stains and odors. The heat from the steam will permanently put the stain and odor on the material by bonding the proteins in the stain and odor carpet or and other fibers.

3. Try to avoid using strong chemical cleaners or chemicals that have strong smell such as vinegar and ammonia. These chemicals are not that effective in eliminating the odor and will just cause your pet to urinate in the same place to strengthen the urine scent.

Floor Maintenance and Avoiding Pet Stains and Odors

As always prevention is the key to preventing pet stains and odors. In the topic of pet stains and odors it would be good to remind people that to prevent stains it would be advisable to train or retrain the pets so that they do not soil the floors or other household items. In most situations when pet stains and odors are unavoidable, it would be best to immediately clean the affected area so that the stain is easier to remove or stains can be prevented. If pet stains are unattended it will be more difficult to remove in the future or even worse it would mean replacing or removal of portions of the floor area. This would result in a bigger cost of repair and more hassles for the house owner.

If the pets are usually indoors or pets have access to any part of the house it would be advisable to keep a stock of pet stain removal products so that in any instance, the situation can be dealt with immediately and appropriately.

Odor Removal

Learn How to start a cleaning business, visit

Pet Stains and Odors Removal - The Cleaning Tools and Materials

Odor Removal

Read Foot Odor Cure extra

No one likes smelly feet so please get a foot odor cure and spare us please! Okay so I was one of the people who suffered from foul feet odor but I did something about it. Now I can take off my shoes and not have to worry about someone making that "what is that smell face". I would wash my feet in the shower and keep them as clean as possible but they would admit an odor over the course of the day.

I took the necessary steps to help me fight the terrible odor. I even brought a change of socks with me to work and would change them at lunch time. I used shoe inserts but that was just masking the problem and I wanted a more permanent solution. After my showers I would apply foot powder which helped to a degree. Some days I would soak my feet in water with baking soda with peppermint essential oil. I say this worked the best for me because after awhile I noticed my feet weren't smelling as bad during the day. There were days when the odor from my feet wasn't a problem at all and I even forgot I had a foot odor problem.

If none of this worked my next step was going to be trying apple cider vinegar in a bath and see what that does, which I read that helps foot odor dissipate. If you do find a effective foot odor cure I would say don't fix what isn't broke and continue using it until your foot odor was a thing of the past.

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Foot Odor Cure

Examine Cat Odor Removal Techniques - The Secret to Permanently Eliminating Cat Odor a lot more

Cat Odor Removal Techniques - The Secret to Permanently Eliminating Cat Odor

Odor Removal Products

Cat urine odor is a strong, persistent smell that is very difficult to get rid of.

Sometimes you may think you have thoroughly cleaned the area and removed the smell, only to find out on a damp day that the smell has returned. This can be a very frustrating issue to deal with.

Even though you keep your home in clean condition, people may think you do not because of this lingering odor. You will do just about anything to find a product for cat odor removal. This can be a very daunting task; there are literally hundreds of such products on the market. So which ones work the best?

Odor and stain removal products are a dime a dozen, and they all promise exceptional results.

While we all wish this were true, the fact is many are useless. It is very important to locate a product that will effectively clean and assist with cat odor removal permanently, not just cover up the smell temporarily.

You will need to treat the area with an enzymatic cleaner such as Nature's Miracle. Take the time to read the label to make sure the product you choose to use actually contains enzymes.

Enzymes really do remove the odor and discourage your pet from reusing the same area repeatedly.  

Refrain from using any type of ammonia based cleaners.

Ammonia smells very similar to urine and may encourage the cat to use the same spot again. Try citrus instead. In addition to being quite effective at cat odor removal, cats hate the smell of citrus.

Also avoid steam cleaning your carpet. The heat and the moisture from the steam can actually spread the urine, which will only make the odor problem worse. 

Cat odor removal doesn't have to be a grueling job. It is, however, a very important one.

If your cat is peeing outside the litter box, you should get him in to see the vet to make sure he doesn't have a urinary tract infection.

My cat was saved by the information I found at as it turned out he had a urinary blockage. With the tips I found there, I was able to stop his inappropriate urination for good and he hasn't had any "out of box" experiences ever since.

Study How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor additional

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor


If you need to know how to get rid of vaginal odor then you have come to the right place! Did you realize that this is an extremely common condition, with millions of women affected at any one time.

Unpleasant vaginal odor is causes by an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina and is commonly called Bacterial Vaginosis. Experts think that there is no one cause of this condition, but there are a number of factors which make it more likely and these include:

* Cigarette smoking

* A change in sexual partner

* Excessive washing or douching

* Fluctuations in body temperature

* A lowered resistance to germs

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Indeed very often there is no reason for that horrible odor. However, one thing is for sure-you will want to get rid of vaginal odor and fast!

Although not dangerous for short periods, if left untreated, bacterial vaginosis can lead to the more serious pelvic inflammatory disease or even fertility problems. So, although you should not feel alarmed, you should take steps to get rid of vaginal odor for this reason alone.

There are two types of bacteria present in the vagina-good and bad. Under normal circumstances, this little system of bacteria are in balance-with the good keeping the bad in check. When something happens to disrupt the balance, the bad bacteria can multiply rapidly and cause the condition which brings about the horrible smell.

As this is not an "infection" or a virus, conventional medication does not work well to get rid of vaginal odor. It is vitally important to get the body in balance again to enable the good bacteria to kill off the bad in a natural way. This is not only better for you, but it works far more efficiently than antibiotics.

When antibiotics are used to kill of the bacteria, both the good and bad bacteria are killed off as they do not discriminate between the two. This means that once the antibiotics are finished and the new bacteria which is inevitably present starts to grow, there is no good bacteria to control things and the bad smell , plus all the other side effects such as the discharge and the burning and itching return-often with a vengeance!

Natural methods to get rid of vaginal odor actually enhance and strengthen the body's immune system which does not only cure this condition fast, but also has other general health benefits. They are also very inexpensive when compared to the cost of over the counter treatments and prescriptions for antibiotics. They have been proven to work faster than antibiotics and have none of the unpleasant side effects such as nausea, yeast infections and diarrhea.

If you would like further helpful information on this condition and would like to know how to get rid of vaginal odor if a fast no nonsense way, you will find details on the link below.

Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis

Go through 4 Quick and Easy Cat Urine Removal Tips far more

4 Quick and Easy Cat Urine Removal Tips

Odor Removal Products

Owning a cat means having a sweet, cuddly companion to snuggle with you when you are lonely. The gentle kneads and soft purring can lull you into a very relaxing state.

However, along with all of those wonderful characteristics comes the challenge of dealing with cat urine and the awful smell it leaves behind in your home.

Cat urine is one of the most difficult materials to clean, but it is not impossible.

Here are a few simple cat urine removal tips.

Find the origin of the smell: The first, and possibly the most important of the cat urine removal tips is to locate where the smell is coming from. Get down on your hands and knees and feel or smell around until you find the soiled area. If the urine has dried, this may be a bit difficult. A black light can be a great help to locate dried urine stains.

Clean the soiled area: If the stain is still wet blot, but DO NOT rub, with an absorbent cloth or a few paper towels. Never rub or scrub urine as this just spreads the problem. If the stain has dried, wet it down with warm water and then blot up the moisture. Apply a good deal of pressure to the towels by standing on them for at least thirty seconds. This will help to draw up more of the urine.

Rinse: Rinse the soiled area with warm water and repeat the above process.

Treat: The last of the cat urine removal tips is to treat the area with an enzymatic cleaner. Make sure the product you choose to use actually lists the enzymes on the label. Enzymes remove the odor and work to discourage re-soiling. Many products do not effectively clean the area; they just attempt to mask the odor. This will not fool your cat, and will not keep the area from being used in the future.

My wife and I have a cat that suffered from a urinary tract infection and we were at a loss on how to deal with it.

We did a lot of reading about cat urine removal tips on the Internet and weren't entirely satisfied with what we found. We spent the next several months compiling all the most relevant information and also interviewing veterinarians in our area and around the world.

The results of our research can now be found at where we have many articles relating to inappropriate urination in cats. A cat that pees outside the litter box is a frustrating problem and one that could prove fatal to your cat if you don't know what to do. Do your homework and help your cat before it's too late.

Understand Home Remedy For Cat Urine Odor a lot more

Home Remedy For Cat Urine Odor

Odor Removal Products

If your cat is anything like my cat Jessy was when we first got her, you are probably suffering with a cat problem. Namely your cat has decided to use your floor or favourite piece of furniture as a litter tray and you are searching for a home remedy for cat urine odor.

There is something very distinct about the smell of cat urine. It is very powerful and you immediately know when you enter a room if a cat has urinated. Unfortunately for you, if it is not correctly treated, the smell can linger for weeks. This is unhygienic and very embarrassing when friends pop over!

Happily, there are some home remedies for cat urine that will work in the short term to remove the stench. Before attempting any home remedy you must soak up as much urine as possible to ensure it doesn't seep and deeply penetrate the carpet, concrete or furniture.

One commonly used home remedy is to place an onion on the affected area. The onion will absorb the odors, without leaving an onion smell. Another option is to apply minted mouthwash, be careful you don't stain or ruin carpets or furniture with this method. Another option some cat owners use is to mix carbonated soda or baking soda with a touch of vinegar to clean and mask the smell. Again be careful about staining.

Home remedies can work well to get rid of cat urine spots and their smell. Everyone has different ideas of what works so you'll have to test for yourself. Although the
above home remedies may temporarily work, they don't tackle the route of the problem - Why your cat is urinating in your house instead of the litter tray or the backyard.

I found a cat urine solution that not got rid of Jessy's cat urine odors, but cleaned the most stubborn stains and provided me with the answers to stop Jessy from urinating in the home.

To discover how you can get rid of nasty cat urine odors, remove stubborn stains and quickly train your cat to stop using your house as a litter tray click cat urine removal [] for an all in one solution.

At [] you will find cat urine removal tips and information as well as testing and cat reviews of the top cat urine cleaning products []

Examine Stop Body Odor - Quickly and Easily a lot more

Body odor is a common problem - especially in the coming summer months. more than 50 million people around the world suffer from it. So, what are the possible causes and how can we stop body odor?

First of all there's only one cause - bacteria. In order to survive, bacteria releases chemicals, that are poisonous to other types of bacteria - that's their defense mechanism. These chemicals often have a foul smell - they are the cause of body odor. In order to live bacteria needs water and moisture - that's why the only cause of body odor is excessive sweating - stop sweating and the smell stops too. Of course that's easier said than done, but there are cure for excessive sweating.

One of the things you should do is wear loose clothing, made out of polyester - polyester is lightweight, does not absorb water, and dries quickly. Cotton is the worst fabric to wear if you suffer from this problem.

Drink a lot of water - dehydration is a leading cause of many problems, including excessive sweating and toxin build up. On top of that it lowers the core temperature of your body, thus reducing sweating.

Eating spicy foods and drinking lots of alcohol has a negative effect on your health, and can promote sweating - which in turn will increase bacteria production on your skin.

Today in society, people link sweating and odor with being "dirty" or not showering - in most cases that's not true. You should shower regularly with anti-bacterial soap - that will help.

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Stop Body Odor - Quickly and Easily

Understand How To Get Rid Of Bad Odor From Your Luggage a lot more

Vacation time is fast approaching once again. As early as possible, you have to make sure that all goes well when you travel. That includes preparing your luggage and taking them out of the storage area.

Your luggage can smell musty or moldy if it has been cooped up in the storage area for quite some time now. Moreover, luggage sets also develop unwanted smell if there are unwashed stains inside. Here are some tips that can help you clean your travel bags:

Tip 1: For canvas bag materials, you can run it in your washing machine. Set up the washer in medium temperature settings and quick washer presets. Use mild detergent with fabric conditioner to completely get rid of the smell. Once the washing cycle finishes, turn your bag inside and out and hang it outside to dry completely. Air it out to completely remove the odor of the bag.

Tip 2: If you have smelly leather bags, you should consider airing it out a bit. You cannot soak leather in water. Leather takes a long time to dry up and the excess moisture inside might make the material moldy. You have to place your leather bag in an airy place or use an electric fan to air it up. This will help remove the odor. If this does not work, sprinkle baking soda on the interior and exterior of the bag. Let it stay there overnight. The next morning, vacuum your luggage to remove the residues of baking soda.

Tip 3: Remove stains from your bag. Stains are the usual causes of bad odor. Use a proper stain remover. Make sure it will work well with the fabric of your bag. For canvas materials, store-bought stain removers will work just right. You can also use vinegar or lemon juice to dissolve the stains and get rid of the smell. For vinyl, just use soapy water and scrub the area clean with this cleaning solution. Use a hair dryer to dry up the moist areas.

Tip 4: If you need to get rid of luggage smell right away and you don't have time to clean it up, try squeezing out the juice of lemon and add a cup of water. Place it in a spray bottle and spray it all over your bag. This will diffuse the smell and act as a natural deodorizer.

Tip 5: Try using rubbing alcohol if you need to remove stains and odor pronto. Pour rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and rub the cotton ball on the affected parts of the bag. Let it dry completely.

Odor Removal

Investing in Adrienne Vittadini luggage is a good step in saving money when traveling. Check out for more options.

How To Get Rid Of Bad Odor From Your Luggage

Odor Removal

Read Eliminating Cat Odor Effectively more

Many people are pet lovers and they like rearing cats since they are small and easy to handle. Despite their cuddly nature and highest ranking as the cleanest pets, they can misbehave at times by urinating or defecating inside the house. This ends up leaving a strange smell that is repugnant inside the house. Getting rid of the odor caused by cat urine should not be hard and does not require someone to buy expensive household cleaning products. There are some household ingredients that are easily accessible in the home. Through following the instructions below, one is likely to get rid of the cat odor with a lot of ease.

One of the solutions to reduction of the foul smell caused by cats is through the use of baking soda and vinegar. First and foremost, an individual should soak as much urine as possible using a piece of cloth or sponge. Then soak the area with a concoction of one part white vinegar to two parts water and then add some soap. Then, press on area with a clean piece of cloth to soak up the liquid until the area is dry. After this, sprinkle a little baking soda and vacuum the area in 24hours; this will totally eradicate the foul smell of the cat.

Peroxide is the other cleaning agent that can be used to eradicate cat odor. A number of people assert peroxide is a good cleaning agent for cat urine and other cat stains; however, the use of peroxide can prove to be an intricate affair as it can discolor surfaces easily. Apparently, peroxide disintegrates the substances contained in the cat urine, which cause odor and stains. All one has to do is pour some peroxide on the area directly and leave it to dry. After it has dried, rinse the area with warm water and soak up the water using a clean cloth or paper towels.

The use of the Listerine mouthwash in the solution used to clean cat stains is believed to eradicate urine odor. A number of people say that the addition of a few drops of the mouthwash in water and vinegar solution or in the peroxide solution will not only leave the area stain free but also leave a refreshing aroma in the room. It can also be added to hot water and applied on the affected area. This is attributed to the high levels of alcohol that are presenting Listerine.

There are other stain removers which have a scent and they can also be used to clear the foul smell. They include all perfumed cleaning agents such as aerosol sprays and cleaning detergents in powder or liquid form. Finally, it is imperative that one tries to eliminate the cat odor caused by urine since cats are drawn by the urine odor to the same spot it urinated before and may probably end up urinating at the same place again. If the cat keeps on urinating at the same place every now and then, it is an indication that the odor was not cleaned properly. Clean the place again and try to restrict access of the cat to the same spot by placing a box on that spot or locking the door to the room. Removing cat odor is quite easy when one has the appropriate cleaning equipment and material.              

Odor Removal

Rob Hillman is a Stain Removal Enthusiast. To find out more about all types of Stain Removal, please visit []

Eliminating Cat Odor Effectively

Odor Removal

Study Safe and All Natural Dog Odor Removal much more

Anyone who has ever owned a dog has encountered the age-old problem of dog odor removal. While we love our furry friends, they have a tendency to leave behind an odor. Sometimes they have little accidents when they get excited, scared and when we are housebreaking them. Have no fear with these tips you will find that the doggy odor will soon be gone.

Homemade Odor Remover

Vinegar and water work great on most surfaces. Of course, you will want to try it out on porous surfaces before you pour it on. While it is not harmful, it may discolor it but the urine probably already did that anyway. Vinegar and water is a simple 3:1 ratio. This means you want three cups of vinegar to every one of cup water. It will have a strong vinegar smell so open up some windows and turn on some fans. Let the solution set on the stain for several minutes before soaking it up with a towel. If the urine was on a hard surface like concrete or stone, hose off the solution with plenty of water.

If the spot was on the carpet, you will want to make sure you get all the vinegar up. Baking soda works great for removing the smell. However, you want to test it on a small piece to make sure it does not remove any color from the carpet. Wait for it to dry and vacuum it up. I go a step further and mix some salt in with the baking soda to make sure it all comes up.

Some people suggest mixing dish soap and hydrogen peroxide with the baking soda. I am not fond of this method. While the method is effective, it tends to have a bleaching effect on many carpets. You may not notice this right away because just like bleaching hair, this requires sunlight and time to take effect. The peroxide may take an hour or more to have any noticeable bleaching effects. So you might replace a pee smell with a bleach stain.

Commercial Products

When you don't see your puppy make the offending spot, removing the pet odor is more difficult. These are known as dry dog odor spots. You can buy commercial products that remove old urine from your home. The first thing you will need is a black light. The black light will help you identify where the puppy "went."

Commercial products contain enzymes that you spray on the offending spots that break down the urine smell. Then you leave the product on the spot for a few minutes before blotting it up. Continue with the black light through your house cleaning up old urine spots.

Dog odor removal can be simple and easy with both home remedies and commercial products. However, the best odor removal is prevention. Keep your house fresh by keeping the odors from occurring.

Odor Removal

The Petlane Guarantee ensures that you will be 100% satisfied with any product you purchase from Petlane. To order pet products based on the physical, social, emotional and intellectual well being of our companion animals please visit PetLane Supplies.

Safe and All Natural Dog Odor Removal

Examine Hottest Female Hair Removal Brands of 2010 additional

Hottest Female Hair Removal Brands of 2010

Odor Removal Products

For many years now, women have been battling unwanted hair. From almost invincible peach-fuzz type of hair to coarser and darker excess hair, undesired hair is a common problem that make us feel less feminine and can easily ruin our confidence. Even though most women have been using different methods and products that satisfy their own requirements, maybe it is about time to test some other products that may bring better results. Based upon average 100 real customer reviews for each product, here are the most preferred hair removal products of the past 2010.

Tria Laser Hair Removal System

Most women interested in laser hair removal methods, but not willing to spend a lot of money on professional procedures have decided to go with the Tria at-home laser system. It brings best results when used over smaller areas, but it is not recommended for facial hair removal. Over time (usually 2-3 months), the product can reduce hair growth. Bear in mind this is not a permanent hair removal solution.

Average product price: $500

No!No! Hair Removal

A revolutionary hair removal product that uses thermicon based heat technology. This is another great product that you can use at the comfort of your home. Clinical studies show that No!No! may reduce hair growth with up to 65% if used properly. This innovative solution guarantees that hair will grow back thinner and finer. The biggest advantage of No!No! is that it is completely painless, while the possible burnt odor may appear as its main downside.

Average product price: $260


Revitol depilatory cream promises to replace your daily hair removal duties. Principle of work is the same like many other depilatory products. However, the aggressive advertising policy of Revitol has brought much more sales making it one of the most used products of 2010. Main advantage of the product is that it is painless and it does not burn your skin. Nevertheless, it does not remove hair completely and having in mind it contains chemical ingredients, it should not be used repeatedly over the same areas.

Average product price: $15 per bottle


Vaniqa is a prescription hair inhibitor that may reduce hair growth. It affects hair follicles and disrupts their growth. You can only use the product combined with other hair elimination method such as waxing, sugaring or shaving. Side effects may occur; skin irritations such as redness, stinging, burning, acne or rash. It is mandatory to consult your doctor/physician before you can use Vaniqa.

Average product price: $50 per single tube

Vector Electrolysis

You can easily use the system at the privacy of your home. Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method of permanent hair removal. Unfortunately, results are not guaranteed. Vector is an easy to use system that may lead to reduction in hair growth. Even though many people find it hard to use, the product works well if used properly. It is very time consuming and lots of side effects may appear.

Average product price: $200

No matter which product will suit your own preferences, make sure it has a good return policy. There is absolutely no guarantee that a certain method will bring results, so you should be able to easily return it and test another one.

Erin Hailey is a beauty consultant specializing in facial hair removal for women []. Read more about unwanted facial hair removal methods [] here.

Study Causes and Cures For Body Odor extra

Causes and Cures For Body Odor



Traditional knowledge is that perspiration is the root of body odor. However, perspiration on it's own is largely unscented, but it's the bacteria and odor coming from different sources that are the genuine perpetrators.

Anaerobic bacteria, which flourish when your body does not have enough oxygen, could be the reason for your body odor. As the body's metabolism goes to work, it offloads odor which is the body's way of ridding itself of waste products. Any imbalances in metabolism will end up in stronger odors. We suggest you visit our halitosis, Foot odor and Sweaty Hands sections for detailed consultations of some of the causes and cures. Since we are talking about waste products you have to consider poisons as a possible reason for body odor. In today's world we are snowed under with poisons in our houses, food, and air that acquire in the body when the organs of elimination can't lose them. The liver and guts might be obstructed, causing odors to spring from the body, so we suggest an exhaustive detox program by cleaning the liver, kidneys and colon.

At some point in the future we're going to have a total section on this vital process. Diet imbalances, leading to bowel problems or a deficiency of magnesium or zinc might be other causes of body odor. See our Hard stools section for causes and cures. Due to somebody's body chemistry, some folk who eat large amounts of beef or who are vegetarians have a particularly particular body odor which can be quite offensive. Some people can't metabolize foods containing big amounts of choline, eg eggs, fish, liver and legumes. The result's a "fishy" smell. If you are one of these folk, cut out these products and see whether this is the reason behind your odor. Certain foods and drinks, eg onions, garlic, curry, certain spicy foods, coffee and alcohol, are also prime causes. Fried and baked products may contain rancid fats and oils that lead to body odor.

Over all, your best bet is to cleanse your colon. Flushing your system will get rid of the toxins that have built up over the years and you'll find that your body odor will reduce significantly.

For a free colon cleanse supplement see []

Writer and author of []

Study Causes of Feminine Odor - How to Feel Fresher Today far more

When feminine odor strikes, you don't know what to do. All of your confidence is gone and you are so distracted by this scent. You want it to go away immediately so you can return to living the life you were before. If you are a woman with vaginal odor, then you want to know what happened so you can prevent it from ever happening again.

There are many causes of feminine odor. Some of the most popular include small habits that are unhygienic. For example, if you are going to have unprotected sex make sure that your partner is clean. Not clean in the sense of no diseases but rather no bacteria on them. Some women can catch an infection from a partner with bacteria on them and that is a cause of feminine odor. Another reason why vaginal odor strikes is because of swimming in a pool or lounging in a hot tub that has bacteria in it. That small protective layer of fabric does nothing for your body against bacteria. Now that you have this odor, how are you supposed to get rid of it?

There are some cures that you can try at home. For instance, try taking a hot bath in salt water. This should help to soothe away any irritation or pain that you may have been experiencing while the salt helps to kill the bacteria that are causing this odor to occur. You can feel fresh and recharged and finally begin to feel the confident woman you once were.


Unpleasant vaginal discharge and smell is a problem that plagues countless women and can reoccur every few months. There are effective treatments for the condition that don't just mask the odor, they actually treat the problem and eliminate it. If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site!

You don't have to be self conscious of your vaginal odor anymore. If it's interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help! You can rid yourself of unpleasant vaginal odor today.

Causes of Feminine Odor - How to Feel Fresher Today


Examine Remove Pet Odor Once and For All by Retraining Your Pet a lot more

Remove Pet Odor Once and For All by Retraining Your Pet

Odor Removal Products

If you have a pet you know pretty well what pet odor is. However, if you are browsing the internet and looking for different solutions for your problem it means you are still not sure how to get rid of the unpleasant and embarrassing scent. Today we are going to publicly expose our pet odor removing and cleaning option. Retraining your pet to avoid urinating in certain places in your house or apartment is a reliable long time solution.

So, has your favorite pet left "scent marks" of urination on your floor or carpet? Well, first of all don't panic. There are plenty of things to do. It might be a good idea to retrain your pet to avoid those areas in the long run. However, you have to solve the pet odor problem now and make it fast.

The first thing to do is to locate all the possible spots and old stains on both floor and carpets around your house. This is very important as you are going to try and block these areas for your pet to find it difficult to urinate there next time. So, after you've located all the soiled areas using your eyes and nose it's time to take action.

First of all clean these areas appropriately. (Remember that we are not going to show you how to use a pet odor remover in this article.) After you've done that make those areas as unattractive as possible. You might also consider changing the place of your furniture in order to make those spots around your house pretty much inaccessible. Use your imagination, be creative and you are going to come up with something.

Now it's time to make the appropriate area for your pet's bathroom highly available. You want it to be very accessible in order for your pet to easily locate it in case of necessity.

So this is basically all you should know about retraining your favorite pet to urinate or defecate in any particular area. These steps work as a whole team. Apply them carefully and you are going to see results. If you still don't know what kind of pet odor remover to use in order to clean your floor or carpet feel free to visit our website. You can read a lot of interesting articles about pet odor removal for free. Enjoy!

Read through How To Remove Pet Urine - The Easy Way! a lot more

Follow these easy steps to remove both wet, dry, old or new urine stains!

Step #1:

Look for all the places that have visible stains or bad smells. You may not be able to see many of the stains, but you can always do the 'sniff' test! There are also Urine Odor Detector Blacklights available in stores and Online, that can show up all the pet urine stains in your house that can't be seen with the natural eye.

Step #2:

Replace your vacuum cleaner with a fresh, new bag. It's very important to do this as you will need optimum suction power!

Step #3:

Give the soiled areas a good vacuum, then apply some Urine Removal Powder (also available in stores or Online). You can also try carpet powder, or even bicarb soda, but the best results are achieved when you use the proper Urine Removal Powder. NOTE: if your vacuum has a hose attachment, make sure you use it.

Step #4:

Pre-mist the stained areas with a Pet Odor Removal Mist. Make sure you don't saturate the carpet! (The idea is to properly remove the stains using the driest possible method. Using water can cause the urine to absorb further in.) Use a scrubbing brush, or the Applicator Brush provided with the Odor Removal Mist and work the substance into the stain. This will help to remove the dry, hard to remove stains.

Step #5:

Apply about a 1/8 to a 1/4 inch layer of the powder from Step #3, all over the urine stained areas.

Step #6:

With the Applicator Brush, firmly scrub the Powder thoroughly into the stains. Make sure you work the powder right into the stains. Now leave the powder in the carpet until it's completely dried.

Step #7:

Vacuum the powder completely out of the carpet. By now, the powder should be holding all the urine and nasty odors and you can simply throw it away!

Step #8:

Give your pet some love and forgiveness, it will surely need it!

So there we have it! The complete method of How To Remove Pet Urine.

Odor Removal

For more simple Tips on how to remove pet urine and odors from Carpet & Rugs, Mattresses or Bedding, Furniture or Upholstery, Concrete, Hardwood Floors, Ceramic Tiles and Grout, Leather Upholstery or Curtains and Drapery,

Please visit: [] - for all your urine-removal products and remedies!

How To Remove Pet Urine - The Easy Way!

Odor Removal

Read How to Stop Feminine Odor far more

How to Stop Feminine Odor



Feminine odor is a huge problem for a lot of women. It definitely affects a woman's self esteem in a very negative way. If you are currently living with bad vaginal odor, then you know how it feels.

When you have an episode of this bad odor, you don't want to do anything but hide in your home. The last thing you want is for anyone to get a smell of the odor that your body is producing. This means that you miss out on so many social gatherings and parties that you would otherwise go to if this problem weren't affecting you. Also, your sex life is taking a huge hit because of your feminine odor. You won't allow anyone to get close to you because you fear that they will be completely disgusted by you. It's time you put a stop to your vaginal odor.

If you want to stop your feminine odor from controlling your life, then there are a few things you can do. If you need some refreshment throughout the day then you can carry feminine wipes. Just excuse yourself to the washroom, cleanse the area and you will feel better in no time. That way, you can take on the day and start to feel confident again. Another way to stop feminine odor is to take a piping hot bath in Epson salt. The hot water will feel great on your body and it will also help you to feel refreshed while the Epson salt is doing the real work, as it will clear away in the infection.

Unpleasant vaginal discharge and smell is a problem that plagues countless women and can reoccur every few months. There are effective treatments for the condition that don't just mask the odor, they actually treat the problem and eliminate it. If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site!

You don't have to be self conscious of your vaginal odor anymore. If it's interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help! You can rid yourself of unpleasant vaginal odor today.

Examine Vaginal Odor - How to Eliminate Vaginal Odor additional

Although unpleasant vaginal odor is a topic that many women prefer not to talk about, it actually affects over 65% of all women at some point in their lives. For most unfortunately it is a problem that recurs every once in a while, because they cannot find a permanent solution to put an end to this condition. Home remedies - which can be used to help permanently eliminate vaginal odor - are a worthwhile option to consider. Especially if you have already tried antibiotics or over the counter medicines to no avail.

Statistics show that for 70% of women that have suffered from vaginal odor, the condition will just not go away for good. The most likely cause of this problem is bacterial vaginosis, which occurs due to a bacterial and PH imbalance of the vagina.

Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to treat this common and well known medical condition. However, this is not the best option in the long run. Although they are very effective in rapidly reducing the symptoms, they do not address the root causes of this disease - bacterial imbalance.

How to Eliminate Vaginal Odor

Permanent results are only possible, when a treatment has the ability to effectively restore the vagina's natural bacterial composition by reducing the number of harmful bacteria and increasing the number of beneficial bacteria.

One of the simplest ways to reduce the number of harmful, odor causing bacteria in the vagina is to soak in a cider vinegar or tea tree oil bath. Add 2 cups of cider vinegar or 15 drops of tea tree essential oil to a warm bath and have a soak in it for at least 15 minutes. Many women find this an effective method to eliminate vaginal odor.

Some women find that inserting a tampon soaked in live, probiotic yogurt helps in reducing the unpleasant symptoms. Plain, live yogurt contains high levels of Lactobacilli, the beneficial bacteria that keep the odor causing harmful bacteria under control. Soak a tampon in the yogurt for 1 hour and and insert it into the vagina for 30-45 minutes. Also, by eating a pot of live, probiotic yogurt daily will up your body's own supplies of beneficial bacteria.

You should start trying out these very simple remedies which you may find sufficient to eliminate vaginal odor.


If the smelly discharge returns you may need to use more comprehensive guaranteed techniques that are tailored to your body's individual needs. This method has been used by thousands of women with success and it will work for you too!

Vaginal Odor - How to Eliminate Vaginal Odor


Study My House Reeks! - Should I Get an Ozone Air Cleaner to Remove Odors? far more

Ozone air cleaners are the latest devices to tackle odor removal. Face it, funky smells can make a house, well, not a home. If something foul is permeating your home, an ozone generator may be just the thing.

Ozone generating air cleaners work by making ozone which bonds to the smells in the air. Ozone is made up of three oxygen atoms. It is the third atom that reacts with the odors, thus neutralizing the smells.

If you get the right size machine for your room size, these cleaners are very effective in removing smoke, mildew, and odors associated with pets or animals, such as urine, skunk spray, etc. There are very positive reviews of their abilities. In fact, some more inventive, do-it-your-self types have built their own and posted their results to popular video websites.

However, there are reports that the machines are not as safe as touted by manufacturers. One report even states that aldehydes, cancer causing agents, are produced when the ozone reacts with carpet odor. Furthermore, The Environmental Protection Agency states, "Ozone is not effective at removing many odor causing chemicals." While a generator may have an EPA badge number, the government does not support or endorse the cleaners. The numbers are only for determining the plant where the device was manufactured.

The EPA does recommend more basic acts to eliminate undesirable aromas.

Remove the pungent problem. Old couches, urine soaked dog beds or mattresses, and smoky curtains can all be physically taken out of the home and cleaned or discarded.
Air out the house. Good air circulation goes a long way in making a house fresh. Get those windows open!
Buy some odor removing sprays. These sprays are cheap and can be found at local supermarkets. For stronger smells, they must be used frequently.

Nevertheless, if all of these more simple and inexpensive alternatives have been utilized, an ozone air cleaner may be a great investment. A home should be a sweet retreat, not a stench factory.

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My House Reeks! - Should I Get an Ozone Air Cleaner to Remove Odors?

Examine The Key to Dog Odor Removal much more

The Key to Dog Odor Removal

Odor Removal

Odor Removal

If you own one or more dogs, then you want to know about dog odor removal. Actually, there are several ways to come about this question. There is odor prevention, odor cover-up and odor removal. They all work together since the ultimate goal is not to have odor in your house.

Dog Odor Prevention

Let's start with odor prevention, since really we do not want odors to start in our house. The best thing to do to prevent odor is to brush your dog. I know many people recommend bathing your dog but brushing your dog works better than bathing. Brush your dog on a daily basis to keep your dog smelling clean and fresh.

Second, pick up the dog poop every day. In addition, you can buy doggy bags that have additional scent. The bags can seal up the smell and add a nice scent to your garbage. This will prevent your backyard and trash from smelling while adding a fresh scent to your trash.

Finally, make sure to wash doggy beds and blankets, as these are your big offenders. Try to wash these as often as you can. If you can wash them on a weekly basis, your house will smell much better.

Dog Odor Cover-Up

Many commercial products exist to help cover-up bad dog smell. Personally, I like the dog perfume drops. The way they work is you add a few drops to the back of the neck for small dogs and a few more to the tail for large dogs. I use it when my dogs have gotten into something funky or have been sprayed by a skunk. It last a few days and it comes in a variety of smells.

For the home, you can also buy vacuum pearls and other powders that absorb the smell. Generally, you sprinkle it on the carpet and wait several minutes before vacuuming it away. These only last a few hours. Therefore, do not spend too much money on the expensive stuff.

Dog Odor Removal

When your dog does have an accident, it is important to remove it immediately. Wet odors are so much easier to remove than dry odors. Here is a fabulous tip you probably won't find anywhere else. Go down to your local janitorial store. Ask them for pet urine cleaner. Now you will have to buy an industrial size bottle that cost about $30 and will last you forever and a day. This stuff has a weird smell at first but once it is gone, the smell is gone for good.

For dry odors (odors that you can't see anymore), you will need a black light. You can use the same stuff you got at the janitor store but it may take more than one cleaning. You can also buy some enzyme cleaners from pet stores that will break up the urine stains and help rid the house of the odor.

The Petlane Guarantee ensures that you will be 100% satisfied with any product you purchase from Petlane. To order pet products based on the physical, social, emotional and intellectual well being of our companion animals please visit PetLane Supplies.

Understand Tips For Removing Pet Odor From Carpets more

We love our pets. They are important members of our families and bring immense joy to our lives. But we can't deny the fact that they can be a burden to clean up after. Dogs and cats track dirt and mud throughout the home - it's inevitable. And sometimes they have accidents on the carpet. We still love them, but it is frustrating to try to remove the stains and odors from our carpet and upholstery. As pet owners, however, we are resigned to the task of making sure our home stays clean and free from offensive pet odors.

These lingering odors are caused by the bacteria that remain in your carpet long after your pet has the accident. Simple blotting and toweling of the mess will not remove the deep-down saturation. This allows the bacteria to thrive and the odor to become unbearable.

Preventing these odors can be difficult, but there are some simple steps you can follow to keep your home fresh and eliminate the smell of pet odors. First, you should vacuum your home at least 2 times a week. This not only removes pet hair and dander from your carpets, but it loosens the deep-down dirt and odor causing bacteria. Vacuuming alone may not eliminate odors, but it is the first step in loosening the particles that are embedded in the carpet fibers. You may want to purchase an odor-removing powder that you sprinkle over the carpet before vacuuming. However, this method may only mask the odor, instead of removing it completely.

Enzyme treatments can destroy the odor-causing bacteria left behind by pet urine. These cleaners can usually be found in pet stores and are relatively inexpensive. Treating your carpets with an enzyme cleaner can be difficult if the stain has been allowed to dry or the urine, vomit or feces sat for enough time to fully saturate the carpet fibers and backing.

The best thing you can do to prevent pet odors is to make sure you clean the area as soon as the accident happens. Blot (don't scrub) with paper towels, baking soda or vinegar. Use an enzyme cleaner after soaking up the excess moisture. If the urine is allowed to soak into the carpet padding or the sub-floor, you will have bigger problems on your hands. A deep soil carpet extraction will be necessary in order to reach the contaminated area.

A professional carpet cleaning company should treat odors that linger and soiling that affects the deep carpet fibers and carpet padding. They have years of experience and the right equipment that uses odor-removing technology to completely neutralize and eradicate offensive pet odors. Chemicals that modern carpet cleaners use are non-toxic and safe for children or pets to be around.

If you have pets, you will no doubt need the help of a professional carpet cleaning company at some point. A good tip is to schedule a professional carpet cleaning - either steam or shampoo - twice a year. This keeps your carpet looking fresh and helps to eradicate typical odors, and prevents the deep soiling of odor-causing bacteria.

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Tips For Removing Pet Odor From Carpets

Read through Pet Odor - Some Advice For an Odor-Free Home far more

Odor Removal Products

Love, loyalty and joy pets bring in our lives is way worth the trouble of giving our homes extra efforts on cleaning. However, most pet owner will admit that pet odor is quite an unpleasant pet experience that has to be dealt with some way or another. In this article I want us to take a look at some practical advices on pet odor removal.

I would say that the most problematic pet odors pet owners have to deal with are cat and dog urine smells. The best thing you can do about this odor is preventing it. I mean, you need to provide your pet with the best conditions for defecation. Cats' toilets, for example, have to be cleaned daily and may be even several times a day, because cats are pretty picky about such things. If you do not keep their 'restrooms' clean, they will find more suitable spots, from their point of view, of course.

Do not use ammonia cleaners for your carpets or furniture if you have a cat for your pet. Ammonia smell is very similar to cat urine smell, so the pet can  take such a smell for invitation and misuse your carpet giving you much trouble cleaning it.

You may also use special repellents for cats. Such products possess the smell that repels cats from using certain things in your home as their toilets.

If you keep smaller pets, such as rats, guinea pigs or birds, to avoid strong pet odor in your home you need to clean their cages daily. You will also need to change their litter daily or once in few days. To keep the odor down from such pets it is best to use plastic cages, which, unlike the wooden ones, do not soak in and accumulate pet odor in them.

To avoid strong dot odor you need to wash dog bedding once in a while. If you have a long hair dog, you need to brush it regularly, otherwise dog's hair spread around the house will become a cause of strong pet odor.

Such simple things as vinegar or baking soda are great helpers in pet odor removal. You may use them for removing urine stains and odor from carpets, floor, furniture and even from clothes. You may add some soda to your washing detergent, this will keep your clothes pet odor free. You also may use iodine for cleaning wooden surfaces from pet urine odors and for disinfecting them.

I hope you will find these hits useful and enjoy your pet companionship in a pet odor free home.  

Rob Hillman is a Stain Removal Enthusiast. To find out more about all types of Stain Removal, please visit []

Pet Odor - Some Advice For an Odor-Free Home

Odor Removal Products

Go through Now Chewing Gum Removal Made Easy a lot more

Many people today have been careless in preserving the beauty of the environment. This is particularly evident from the wads of chewing gum that can be seen in all kinds of places ranging from schools, religious institutions, government establishments, hospitals, and malls to parks, playgrounds, fields, and more.

A single wad of chewing gum can ruin the appeal of an otherwise unblemished hard surface. In a commercial setting, if blotches of chewing gum are left in plain sight, it can easily turn away customers. Until recently, there was no reliable equipment for gum wads. But now, there are advanced cleaning machines that are specially equipped for gum cleaning.

Removing Gum with the Power of Steam
Steam cleaners offer unmatched performance when it comes to cleaning tough dirt, grease, and grime from virtually all kinds of surfaces. These machines utilize the power of high-temperature steam to simultaneously dissolve these substances more readily for their speedy removal. Specialized machines with anti-bacterial technology can even disinfect surfaces. But do you know that certain vapour steam cleaners also function as gum cleaning equipment?

It's true - steam cleaning machines that utilize super-heated steam with special gum washing tools and solutions make the process of gum removal faster and easier compared to the gum removing capabilities of cleaners that use steam alone. In fact, the steam generated by these steam cleaning machines is so powerful that it can easily dissolve hardened bubble gum in a matter of few seconds. You can effectively remove hundreds of wads of gum per hour.

In addition, if your chewing gum removal machine features the vacuum extraction technology, it greatly enhances the cleaning process and helps remove all traces of gum by simultaneously extracting gum residues. However, remember that this vacuum extraction feature is available only in steam cleaning machines from reputed suppliers.

Advanced Technologies
Steam cleaning machines with chewing gum removal functionalities can attain temperatures of about 330ºF and pressure levels of about 120 PSI for aggressive gum extraction power. Quality versions of chewing gum removal equipment from top distributors often feature exclusive technologies like removable heating rods and boilers that self clean. These cleaning machines may also feature a continuous filling technology that allows you to use the steam cleaners continuously for extended periods of time.

Other than bubble gum removal applications, steam cleaning machines are also great for a range of other cleaning jobs like tile and grout cleaning, vinyl and linoleum floor cleaning, bathroom cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting (for machines with anti-bacterial technology), and odor removal.

Best of all, these chewing gum wads machines are great for removing not just the recently deposited gum blotches, but also wads of gum that have been stuck to surfaces for over 20 years! For accomplishing this difficult cleaning task, these chewing gum removal machines often include components like stainless steel brushes, gum-cleaning solution and specialized gum-removing tool.

The next time you see a nasty wad of gum on your floor; forget about how long it has been there. Simply and quickly dissolve and extract all gum residues with quality chewing gum removal machines.

Odor Removal

Daimer's latest vapor steam cleaners and steam pressure washers are truly effective for gum removal. Many janitors as well as professional cleaning services contractors are using Daimer's steam cleaner & pressure washer to clean gum from carpet, tile & grout.

Now Chewing Gum Removal Made Easy

Odor Removal

Read through Vaginal Discharge and Odor - 5 Proven Natural Remedies to Stop the Bad Smell extra

Vaginal discharge and odor is a common problem among a vast majority of women. Although harmless, the problem can be quite embarrassing to have. There are many natural remedies that have been known to be effective in stopping vaginal discharge and odor. The following are some simple home remedies that help in getting rid of the bad smell.

1. Cider vinegar is known to be to a highly effective natural remedy for curing vaginal discharge and odor. You need to take bath in warm water in which Cider Vinegar is added. It is known to neutralize the alkaline conditions that are caused in the vaginal area by the odor causing bacteria. It is also known to provide soothing relief from soreness, as well as itching.

2. Yogurt is known to be another effective natural remedy for getting rid of vaginal discharge and odor. Yogurt contains 'probiotic' or good bacteria that help in eliminating the bad bacteria. You can include yogurt in your diet in order to get rid of the problem. You can also use a tampon dipped in yogurt too, as it is also known to give good results.

3. Essential oils such as tea tree oil are also known to help in getting rid of the odor. Tea tree works by killing the odor causing bacteria.

4. Garlic is known to be a very effective natural remedy to get rid of vaginal discharge and odor. It has been in fact known to be used for several thousand years for this purpose. Garlic has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that help to get rid of the harmful bacteria. Those who cannot take raw garlic cloves can always choose garlic capsules.

5. A douche made up of water into which one teaspoon of grape seed extract is mixed, is known to be another effective home remedy for stopping the bad smell.

Now Pay Close Attention Here-

There is a proven all natural technique which will help you to get rid of Vaginal discharge and Odor [] in under 3 days. If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to Fishy Vaginal Odor then this is the most important message you will ever read- Click Here [].

Vaginal Discharge and Odor - 5 Proven Natural Remedies to Stop the Bad Smell


Go through The Golden Rule of Cat Urine Removal a lot more

Odor Removal Products

Do NOT use common household cleaners for your cat urine removal tasks as they are ineffective against uric acid.

Regular household cleansers are designed for your normal everyday clean up jobs like grease and dirt. Cat Urine stains contain five different kinds of bacteria two of which are associated with the cats marking scent. The other components are in the cat spray, urine and uric acid and make it really tough to get rid of.

The first two components are relatively easy to clean up but it is the uric acid with its crystals and salt that is extremely difficult. It is these that cause the lingering odour that is almost impossible to get rid of. The crystals are insoluble and they bond tightly to anything that they land on. You may have cleaned and cleaned the various puddles and thought that the job successful only to find that after a short while the cat urine odor returns.

In order to completely eliminate the smell and stain of the cat urine the crystals have to be removed from the surface they are sticking to.

There are effective commercial cleaning solutions that contain a pet enzyme cleaner and are specifically manufactured to attack the cat urine components. There are several reputable pet enzyme cleaners available at your local pet store. Read the instructions carefully and follow them completely for best results. If the stain is very old, it will take several applications to completely eradicate the stain and odor.

Alternatively however, there are various homemade recipes that are pretty good at getting rid of the odor and stain permanently.

Pick up a FREE homemade recipe for Cat Urine Removal [] that will cost you only pennies or cents.

We love our cats dearly but sometimes the clean up can just about overwhelm us.

The Blog that has a delightful approach to an unpleasant task with plenty of tips and advice.


The Golden Rule of Cat Urine Removal

Odor Removal Products

Examine Musty Basement Odor and Mildew Odor - Six Simple Tips For Getting Rid of Musty Smells much more

While any basement can get a musty odor, really hard-to-get-rid-of basement odors usually emanate from objects in the basement rather than the basement itself. Here are six simple tips for getting rid of musty smells from the objects that can keep your basement smelling funky.

Musty smell in drawers: Place bowls of charcoal inside the drawer and close for 24 hours. (The charcoal must be in a bowl, not piled in the drawer.) The charcoal absorbs odors from the drawer, but still can be used to grilling.

Sunlight treatment: Move odor-affected furniture into a sunny room, and leave there for several days. Sunlight will kill many of the bacteria, fungi, and molds that cause odor. You will still need to use other methods to remove the odor.

The Kitty Litter Cure: Unused kitty litter placed in a bowl is a good way to get rid of musty odors in wardrobes, armoires, and cabinets. Place a bowl of fresh kitty litter in the furniture for 2-3 days, then remove to be used in the cat's litter box.

Baking soda for musty odors: Open a box of baking soda and pour into a bowl. Allow the bowl of baking soda for 24 to 48 hours to absorb odors, then discard.

Moldy or musty odor in wood furniture: Deodorant products won't remove a moldy, musty odor from furniture that has not been cleaned properly first. Murphy's Oil Soap is a good choice. Furniture polishes can cover moldy or musty smell on wood furniture, but they cannot remove it.

Sometimes the best solution for getting the odor out of wooden furniture is simple soap and water.

If washing fails to remove the smell, it may be necessary as a last resort to sand and refinish the wood. This is usually only required if the mold has gone quite deep into the wood. If you refinish furniture to remove mold or mildew, be sure to wear a protective mask so you will not inhale the mold or mildew particles.


Download a free 100-page ebook on odor control at

Musty Basement Odor and Mildew Odor - Six Simple Tips For Getting Rid of Musty Smells


Go through How to Get Rid of Onion Smell far more

Depending on the variety, an onion can be sharp, spicy, tangy, pungent, mild or sweet. They are commonly used as a base for curries, or made into a paste and eaten as a main course or as a side dish. Unfortunately, after chopping onions, you may notice that you still have the odor of them on your hands for many hours after. As delicious as onions are, walking around smelling like them is another story.

Onion smell is pervasive and irritating long after the delicious meal is over. It clings to the fingers and nail region with ferocity. It even affects your breath! Indeed, onions have a very potent smell, because onion oil contains 1-propenyl sulfenic acid, which is thought to be the lacrimator in onions. The lacrimator is something that makes your eyes water and gives the onions such a distinct smell.

Bizarrely enough, this stinging, tangy chemical is also the cause for a lot of the great flavor in onions, as well as the satisfying fragrance when you fry the vegetable. You'll also get sulfenic acids by cutting up garlic, chives and leeks, but they don't form the same irritating gas, just a strong smell.

Who has the cure? Must fingers smell onion-like after chopping? Must breath smell so strong after eating this malodorous vegetable? This article may have all the answers you're looking for.

Onion Smell Removal

* Wear gloves. That'll keep the onion smell off of your hands.

* Peeling the onion and then chilling it in the refrigerator before you slice will minimize the release of gas somewhat, because the change in temperature alters the compounds in the onion. Cooking an onion before you slice it will also work for the same reason. Another easy solution is to cut the onion underwater or run the tap over it as you slice.

* Rub your hands against stainless steel metal (a kitchen sink works well) under cold running water for about a minute; rubbing with a large metal spoon works, too. It is also possible to purchase vegetable-shaped or oval-shaped stainless steel "soaps" that can sit permanently at your kitchen sink. They don't cost much and they really work. Look in the kitchen supplies section of a local store.

The science behind this phenomenon lies in the theory that the sulfuric odor from the onion would be attracted to and bind with one or more of the metals in stainless steel. Formation of such compounds is what makes stainless steel stainless, after all.

Onions and garlic contain amino acid sulfoxides, which form sulfenic acids, which then form a volatile gas (propanethiol S-oxide), which forms sulfuric acid upon exposure to water. These sulfuric compounds are responsible for onions burning your eyes while cutting them and also for garlic's characteristic scent.

* If you don't have steel handy, you can make a paste of baking soda, (bicarbonate of soda) and water and rub it over your hands, then wash off. The odor will disappear with the soda.

* Squeeze toothpaste or pour a small amount of mouthwash on one palm, then rub your hands together. Rinse with water.

* Squeeze the juice of lemons into a bowl. Dip your hands in for 3 minutes, then rinse off. Your hands will smell like fresh lemons instead of onions!

* Good-Bye Smell is a professional foaming cleanser developed by a Physician-Chef that totally eliminates food odors (fish, garlic, onion, and so on) from your hands and under nails, while providing a clean and smooth feeling of freshness. Fast-acting and economical, it's alcohol-free and can be used in professional cooking facilities and restaurants, as well as home kitchens and outdoor cooking.

This product is gentle enough for frequent use and will not dry your hands. Just pump the foam into dry hands, rub briskly - including under your nails - until the foam disappears, and then rinse. Repeat if needed.

* Make sure to use cold water for most of your rinsing; when you wash your hands in warm water, it opens up the pores in your hands and traps in the onion smell.

* Use warm water only when washing with table salt, tomato juice or similar cleaning agents, as these dissolve quicker in hot liquid and get rid of the smell from your pores.

* You can also put a tablespoon or more of everyday table salt in the palm of your hands. Wash your hands vigorously under warm water. Rinse off and dry.

* Dip your hands in tomato juice for at least five minutes. Then rinse them with liquid detergent in warm water. Make sure the tomato juice you're going to use to get rid of onion smell has not reached its expiration date before you put your hands into it. Either canned or cold tomato juice will work for this solution.

Onion Breath Removal

* Bacteria-induced onion breath can be reduced by usual oral hygiene methods. Standard halitosis remedies include regular use of mouthwash, brushing and flossing teeth, and tongue scraping.

* There are also commercial bad breath remedies available that are more powerful than the usual mouthwashes you can buy in supermarkets. These are available from your doctor, your pharmacist or the Internet.

* Another method of reducing onion breath is to eat parsley with your meal. This seems to counteract the problem to some extent (the same with onion's far more powerful cousin, garlic), although it doesn't prevent it completely.

* Some people also claim that chewing cardamom seeds has a similar effect to parsley and can work as an onion breath remedy. Cardamom has a very strong flavor, so this might not be an option for some people.

Why Does the Smell of Onions Make People Cry?

As any chef knows, cooking an onion produces a very strong aroma that most people enjoy, but cutting up an onion stings your eyes and makes you tear up uncontrollably. If you love to include onions in your dishes, you're probably often frustrated by this. So just what is it in onions that make them such an ordeal to prepare?

Oddly enough, the volatile compound that makes you cry is also responsible for the great taste in onions. When you slice through an onion, you break open a number of onion cells. Some of these cells have enzymes inside them, and when they are sliced open, the enzymes escape. The enzymes then decompose some of the other substances that have escaped from the sliced cells. Some of these substances, like amino acid sulfoxides, form sulfenic acids that then quickly rearrange themselves into a volatile gas.

The gas reaches your eyes and reacts with the water that keeps them moist. This changes the chemical's form again, producing, among other things, a mild sulfuric acid that irritates the eyes. The nerve endings in your eyes are very sensitive and so they pick up on this irritation. This is why your eyes sting when you slice onions.

The brain reacts by telling your tear ducts to produce more water to dilute the irritating acid so the eyes are protected. Your other reaction is probably to rub your eyes, but this will actually make the irritation a lot worse, especially if you have onion juice all over your hands.

Odor Removal

Want to know more? You can read more tips on How to get rid of Onion Smell, plus information to get rid of practically anything else that ails you - from bad breath to telemarketers to cellulite - at

How to Get Rid of Onion Smell

Odor Removal

Read through Way to Remove Odor in Water, Fire, and Also Mold much more

Way to Remove Odor in Water, Fire, and Also Mold

Odor Removal

Odor Removal

There are few things more offensive than a foul smell that remains after a water damage fire or other catastrophe in the home. And there may be nothing worse than to have your home look beautiful after repairs have been completed, but still have the lingering odor of mildew, mold, or fire.

Odor Removal in Your Home or Business?

Restoration professionals have the expertise to greatly reduce the possibility of lingering odors. With the proper equipment, products, and procedures, a mold or fire mitigation professional evaluates every situation and proposes and then implements odor removal protocols to eliminate such problems. The professional knows when and how to use masking agents, pairing agents, electronic deodorizers, cleaners, disinfectants, and sealants. She or he will also know when demolition and removal is the best option. Most deodorization jobs will require a combination of procedures to be completely effective.

Water damage frequently causes a musty odor to remain in the home. Improper or incomplete drying of structural or content items is usually the cause. Appropriate drying of the damaged area by a qualified technician is critical. Water detection tools available to the professional help eliminate problems that might occur later on. In addition, daily monitoring and charting of the results during the restoration process further ensures that the structure and contents are completely dried.

However, an intermittent or constant musty smell almost always signals the presence of mold. There is a ten step mold remediation process that will eliminate the mold and the musty odor smell. Only when the cause of the smell, in this case, mold is completely removed will the smell dissipate.

Odors from fire damage tend to be more complicated. A fire restoration expert will determine a number of factors such as: the source of the contamination, the degree of heat involved, the time the materials were in the structure, the extent of the contamination, and the type of materials directly contaminated. The professional will form an action plan and then implement that plan to eliminate lingering odor problems.


Deodorization can be a complex issue. A restoration expert knows the basics of odor removal. Odor can and should be attacked very simply. First, eliminate the source. Second, clean the contaminated area. And third, if necessary, seal or remove the source that was exposed to the contamination. Nature eventually deodorizes virtually all odors. Unfortunately, it can take a long time on its own. A restoration specialist, however, can greatly speed up the process with the proper equipment, training, and expertise.

Regardless of the circumstances - dealing with odors or other aspects of water damage, fire/smoke damage, or mold remediation call specialists. For all property damage situations, these professionals are standing by. They will mitigate the loss to prevent further damage and will then provide restoration services to return the property to a pre-loss condition as quickly as possible. All professional restoration offices have well-trained professional technicians who provide the latest state-of-the-science services to all property damaged from water, fire, smoke, mold, and other disasters.

Cleaning agents are always an important aspect of deodorization. The first and most essential step in any deodorizing situation is to remove the source, which usually involves cleaning. Unfortunately, this is often ignored or minimized by non-professionals. Cleaning sometimes requires aggressive steps to remove the source of the odors. For example, the heat from a fire causes pores in certain materials to enlarge, allowing contaminants to enter the microscopic openings. Then, once cooled, the pores close trapping the contaminant. This holds in the odor and causes problems if not treated properly. The restoration professional, with appropriate training, can detect such problems and perform the correct cleaning procedures.

Where there is fire and heat, there is also pressurization. Increased pressure can force odor molecules into hidden or inaccessible areas, such as behind cabinets, behind baseboards, into walls through switch and socket covers, etc. Sometimes conditions need to be re-created for complete deodorization to take place. By increasing the vapor pressure of the deodorant, it will penetrate into hidden and inaccessible areas the same way the odor molecule traveled. Completely eliminating odors may require the application of a heavily pigmented sealer to semi-porous building materials (such as wallboard, framing, sub-floor, etc.) in fire and mold. This will permanently seal the remaining odor in the material. In other cases, removing the affected material through demolition is the best option.

Masking agents or fragrances are often be a part of every deodorization process. However, care must be taken when using masking agents because they are sometimes offensive to individuals.

Pairing agents, on the other hand, tend to be odor modifiers. One such deodorizing method is to emit a dry vapor into the atmosphere that absorbs the odor molecule and neutralizes the offensive odor.

Ozone is also an odor modifier. It is often called the only true deodorizer because it physically changes the chemical composition of the odor molecule. Ozone works well on a broad range of offensive odors, but its effectiveness depends on the length of time used. It sometimes takes days for it to work well. Whenever ozone is used, caution is warranted. People, pets, and plants should be evacuated during its use. Natural rubber components should be removed or protected.

Also frequently used are hydroxyl machines that have the same impact as ozone but are green and have less problematic impact. Hydroxyls (OH) are safe, naturally occurring molecules that are created in our atmosphere when the sun's ultraviolet rays react with water vapor. This Hydroxyl generating system is a newer green technology and is an advanced solution for eliminating odors, decontaminating surfaces and purifying the air. It is safer technology than Ozone and will not cause damage to people, pets, or plants

A restoration professional knows when to use these procedures and how to use them safely.

SUMMARY: As you begin to learn about the dangers and prevention pertaining to Fire, Water and Mold damage in your home or business, you will better understand what steps to take to protect your family, employees, pets, personal belongings, business records, equipment, building structure, landscaping and surrounding areas. More importantly, in addition to knowing what steps you can take to aide in prevention, many of these same techniques will help you to mitigate risks in case of an emergency related to fire, water or mold damages should they happen to you. As stated earlier in this series, the more you know about the dangers of Fire, Water and Mold, the better prepared you will be when disaster strikes and in addition to mitigating risks, you may one day help save the life of someone you love as well as yourself, because disaster can strike anyone, anywhere at any time and it is up to you to gain the knowledge to protect your family, home and business and know when to call the professionals who can only respond after the emergency strikes.

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Mary O'Hara holds a Masters of Public Health and has numerous certifications in mold remediation, fire restoration, lead remediation, and fire damage restoration. She spent 25 years as a health care executive with leading health care organizations in Minneapolis, Seattle, St Louis, and Tampa. She started her first health care related business in 2005 in Florida and is a senior partner in a Disaster Restoration Business serving Florida. In 2010, Mary added a mold assessor course and certification to assist with scientific enquiry of residential and commercial building problems.

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