Read through How to Kill Or Break Body Odor Once and For All additional

Body odor or smell is not harmful but is hurtful to people around you. Sweat, remains the main culprit. There are 2 kinds of sweat glands. The one from 'apocrine' gland is responsible for the stink.

1. Keep everything hygiene
Did you know that bacteria and other unwanted things can linger upon sweats? Especially, the underarm and groin area. If possible, do wash and clean with soap as often as you can. Using deodorant helps too.

2. Also wash your clothes
Do your laundry. Yes. Firstly, you need to know that sweat can remain in the clothing. As an additional tip, dried sweat an also damage your favorite fabric. Therefore, it is very important to wash off your clothes as soon as you take them off. Stay away from the habit of wearing clothes from yesterday and last weekend.

3. Abuse the antiperspirant
We now know that body odor starts from sweat. So, logically the smart thing to do is to reduce the amount of sweat being produced. Hence, the antiperspirant. This way, almost half or more of the total sweat can be decreased. These antiperspirant are like over the counter drugs, which can be gotten at the pharmacies.

4. If deodorant and antiperspirant do not work
Then go for an antibacterial soap. An example would be 'chlorhexidine or Hibiclens'. If not, use talcum powder or baking soda to ease the problem immediately.

5. Know that diet affects sweat production
Hot peppers can directly affect amount of sweat being produced. Also, some aroma of food can get attached to sweat, like garlic.

Know your enemies and you shall defeat them. Likewise, you should really know about these 5 tips mentioned if you have body odor. Good luck.

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How to Kill Or Break Body Odor Once and For All
