What is the best method for removing pet urine from your carpets? Tips for removing pet urine for the homeowner. Pet urine removal products that really work.
This really depends on the client. Is it odor that's bothering the client? In this case you must do sub-surface extraction to remove pet urine. The problem with most cleaners is they think they can just clean the carpet and put down a powder or topical and this will solve the problem. If the pet urine has reached the back of the carpet or padding you must follow the pet urine to the sub-surface and remove it out to the van.
Many cleaners make the mistake of thinking they are dealing with an acid after all isn't that what comes out of the animal? Not true as the pet urine dries it actually crystallizes and turns alkaline, this is why most cleaners are not successful at pet urine removal. You must neutralize with a acid and return it to it original state. After you have removed the pet urine than you can deal with the residual odor with a product that takes care of the odor on contact, after this stage you can put down an enzyme,for many cleaners this is their first step and usually only works around 5 to 10 percent of the time. Then you let the carpet dry and let the enzymes do their job and digest the remaining residues. When carpet dries it dries from the bottom up or better known as "wicking" this process is important because a good cleaning 2 to 3 days later will take care of the residues and any yellowing can be addressed at this time.
I see all kinds of crazy methods for removing pet urine from carpet on the internet.
I have 2 puppies that are finally house broken' but they had some accidents in my home. I own a $80,000.00 carpet cleaning van stocked with every chemical and device you can imagine, but when my puppies had an accident on my carpet I wouldn't even turn on my powerful machine. This is what I did.
First if it was fresh (less than 12 to 24 hours) I would just pour a little water on the spot, just enough to re-wet the spot and put a folded white towel over the wet spot and then take a weighted object (like a plastic laundry detergent bottle filled with water for weight) and put it on top of the towel then just walk away for a couple of hours. Repeat this a couple of times flipping or replacing the towel until there is no more yellow in the towel. If the spot is older take a cup of water and add 4 to 5 drops of white vinegar and do the same procedure. That's all.
Odor Removal ProductsThen you want to treat any odors or staining but what products do you use? Go to http://www.hpbyd.com/ccrepair/ and check out the Free videos. These are the same products I use in my carpet cleaning business. These solutions are very affordable and the best products I have found. They will ship to your front door anywhere in the U.S.
At Carpet Care and Repair we highly value our clientele and strive to provide the best in professional service to their satisfaction. We respect our client's home or workplace when moving and handling furniture and equipment so that there is little or no impact from our presence. We protect our clients by using the safest available equipment, cleaning solutions and provide well-trained staff that is current with the correct technical procedures. We work to improve the health conditions of our client's home or workplace by extracting from their carpets and upholstery the maximum amounts of soil, toxins, allergens, pollutants and particles, then dispose of the waste water in a safe responsible manner. We strive to always provide courteous service with a smile. http://www.carpetcareandrepair.com/