Study Treatment For Severe Underarm Odor a lot more

Do you feel like you perspire more than the average person? Have you ever held back from shaking hands with someone because of your sweaty palms? If so you may be suffering from hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating, also called hyperhidrosis, is a very common problem. It is commonly defined as 'sweating more than would be expected in a given temperature and environment'. This condition can manifest as either a generalized or localized problem.

In generalized hyperhidrosis profuse sweating occurs in all areas of the body regardless of temperature and environmental conditions. Localized hyperhidrosis is most often experienced in the hands, feet or underarm areas.

Excessive sweating can be an embarrassing problem causing sufferers to have to wear underarm 'sweat pads' or change clothes often throughout the day. Underarm odor can make people feel uncomfortable in social situations and actually interfere with daily activities.

Luckily there are many treatments available that can help manage the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. For very minor cases of hyperhidrosis something as simple as use of clinical strength antiperspirant (in either over-the-counter or prescription strength) may greatly reduce underarm odor.

For more severe symptoms however a number of medical interventions can be considered. Both topical and oral medications may be employed to help decrease underarm sweating and consequently underarm odor. These medications include hexahydrate solution, an aluminum ingredient found in antiperspirants, and botulinum injection, which temporarily paralyzes the sweat glands in the treated area.

Oral medications can also help reduce symptoms by 'tricking' the body into reducing perspiration output. For the most severe cases of excessive sweating sufferers may elect for surgery to remove sweat glands or render the glands' nerves useless.

It is important to consider that all medications and invasive medical treatments do carry some degree of risk and can have side effects. These effects can range from merely irritating (such as injection site pain) to life threatening (such as a severe allergic reaction to medication or anesthesia).

In many mild to moderate cases, herbal and non-medical treatments can also be quite effective and with minimal side effects. Lifestyle changes, such as dietary changes, weight loss and stress reduction can reduce symptoms for many people.

Treatments that address the root underlying causes may well provide the longest lasting relief. The unpleasant odor that we associate with sweat is actually a result of contact with bacteria and not the perspiration itself. Thus natural treatments that are designed cleanse body systems will actually provide the greatest relief.


Start using a natural method today to get treatment for severe underarm odor. Visit for more information.

Treatment For Severe Underarm Odor