Go through Cat Odor Removal Solutions more

Cat odor removal is one of the side issues that cat lovers everywhere need to deal with. It is not a problem that is isolated. It is a problem that is dealt with every day somewhere that there is a cat. It could be the overbearing cat litter box, or it could be those accidents that your cat has on the carpet, flooring, furniture or walls of the house. Depending on where the accident is you already learned a little about what the cause might be and knowing the cause might be a good thing when you need to deal with the issue.

If your cat is urinating on furniture or on walls there is a good chance that it is spraying and not urinating. Although both use urine as the mechanism they are done differently, they mean different things and they even smell differently. If your cat is spraying they are protecting their territory against a change that has occurred. This change could be a new animal, a new person or a new sound in the house that gives the cat the need to stake out its turf. You need to spend time reassuring your cat as well as reprimanding them if you catch it. Correcting spraying is easier than other behaviors. A loud noise along with a reprimand or a spray of water in the face couple of times will go a long way to setting your cat straight.

If your cat is just urinating in the wrong place try a commercial cat odor removal cleanser or one of the many home remedies that you can use if you want to eliminate odor. The pet stores have many options so make sure you are getting cat specific cleansers and not general urine removal cleansers. Cat urine is different and harder to address so getting the right kind of remover is important. If you decide you don't want to go commercial there are a number of things you can use that are in your pantry that might work.

Although there are many home products that some cat owners like to use, the fact is that the potency of cat urine lends itself to something a bit stronger. There are many commercial options out there that you can use to attack this issue. Whatever you use, you will want to apply after you have gotten up as much of the urine as possible. Use gloves whenever you are dealing with urine, cleaning products or brushes and clothes to soak it up.

Thru trial and error you will find what eventually gets rid of the odor. In all cases keep the cat away from the spot you are cleaning until you are completely done with the cleaning process and it has been dried and cleaned.

Odor Removal Products
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Cat Odor Removal Solutions