Understand Cat Urine Odor Remover - A Remedy That Works far more

There are several options both store bought and homemade for cat urine odor remover, but there is one in particular that utilizes common household ingredients that has proven to be extremely effective. Best of all, it is non-toxic and relatively free since you most likely already have most of the ingredients in your home already!

There are many reasons why a cat leave or mark a strong urine odor everywhere. One of the reasons is that they feel stressed or in some way is threatened. Another reason is that it is one way to mark their territory. Still another reason is that they don't feel well or they have illness.

There are many cat urine odor remover available in the market or even purchasing it online. By doing this, you will be having a choice to save your money and at the same time, you can choose the best product to get rid off that unnecessary odor.

The biggest problem with cat urine odor is that if it isn't completely removed, your cat is encouraged to seek out the same spot for repeat offenses. Older areas where your cat has urinated can be easily detected with the use of a black light as the urine will fluoresce. Whether old or recent, the problem areas can be treated using the same method.

If the spot is recent, use paper towels or old cloth and apply pressure to absorb as much of the urine as possible. Then, for a recent or older spot, saturate the area with a solution of 50% water and 50% white vinegar. You want to apply enough liquid to completely penetrate the fibers of the carpet or rug. For hard surfaces you can simply saturate a clean cloth in the water/vinegar solution and wipe the area thoroughly.

Thirdly, take about a fourth of a cup of hydrogen peroxide and add a teaspoon of regular liquid dish-washing detergent (non-caustic). Sprinkle baking soda over the offensive area and then drizzle with the peroxide/detergent solution. Use a course scrubbing brush to work the mixture deep into the carpet. You may also wear a rubber glove and use your hands to rub it over a hard surface or comb it through carpet.

Allow the mixture to dry completely and then use a vacuum to remove the remaining baking soda residue. Use a clean brush to fluff the carpet and blend it into the surrounding areas. It's that simple! The cat urine odor remover has worked and the offending odor is gone for good!

Odor Removal Products

Our goal with this website is to help you create your ideal living environment with your favorite feline with our cat urine odor remover [http://www.catstuffonly.com/]. Visit us online ( [http://www.catstuffonly.com/] )

Cat Urine Odor Remover - A Remedy That Works

Odor Removal Products

Understand Cat Urine Odor Removal in the Home more

Cat Urine Odor Removal in the Home

Odor Removal

Having cat urine odor around the home or garden is an unpleasant experience to say the least. Nobody wants their home to be tainted with the stench of urine. Thankfully however, if your home is affected by cat urine smells the problem can be easily remedied. There are a lot of different cleaning solutions you can use to remove cat urine smells and prevent them from lingering.

The solutions range from fancy store bought cleaning agents to simple homemade natural remedies. Your choice of what to use to get rid of cat urine smells will depend on your preferences and budget. The simplest solution in terms of time and effort is going to the store and buying some specialized pet urine removal liquid. There are several different brands to choose from; however you should make sure that whatever one you choose does not contain ammonia. The reason for this is that ammonia is present in urine naturally. When you clean with a product that contains ammonia your cat can mistake this ammonia smell for the smell of another cat's urine. This causes them to mark their territory by spraying even more urine around the affected area. That is why any cleaning agent with ammonia has to be avoided. However if you have a little more time on your hands or a little less money you can try some home solutions.

Obviously the most simple and commonly used home solution for cat urine odor removal is warm soapy water. However this is usually only strong enough to tackle urine stains that are still moist or have been recently made. For dried in stains something more substantial and heavy duty is usually needed for cleaning. This is where the creativity comes in; you need to look to natures stain removing agents. One of which is baking soda/powder mixed with lemon juice and hot soapy water. This will really bubble and work away at nasty old urine stains and smells, you have to leave it to set through before washing it back out. Once you have done this the majority of the visible stain and the odor of urine should be gone.

Once you have gotten rid of the cat urine smell from your home you have to make sure it never comes back. Cats need to be trained how to use a litter tray to make sure they never pee anywhere else. Once your cat is litter box trained they should stay that way unless there is a change in circumstances. Some things can throw a cat out of sync, but in general once he/she is litter box trained they will stay that way.

For free cat urine removal home remedies and training tips check out our get rid of cat urine smell website

Examine Feminine Odor Solutions - How to Clear Up Vaginal Odor Naturally much more

Feminine Odor Solutions - How to Clear Up Vaginal Odor Naturally


Feminine odor is a big problem that you are tired of dealing with. You want to be able to get rid of your vaginal odor so you can live your life normally again. You want to be able to get your life back to normal so you can relax and finally feel comfortable again. Enough is enough and you want to get rid of feminine odor solutions.

To get rid of vaginal odor, there are things that can be done at home so you don't have to go travel to the doctor's to get relief. You can get relief from the comfort of your home and you can work towards getting rid of this fishy odor. Now is the time that you got rid of your bad smell once and for all.

You need some natural feminine odor solutions so you can get rid of the smell today. A great way to make that possible is to keep the area as clean as you possible can. Since this is an infection and an infection always has the chance of becoming worse, you need to keep the area clean. Make sure that you are washing the area gently and with a non fragrant soap. Scrubbing with a perfumed soap may seem like a good idea but the rigorous movements and harsh chemicals will only worsen your infection. Be gentle and wash the area 2-3 times a day and this will keep it clean and ready for healing.

Another feminine odor solution is to bathe in Epsom salt water. Every day during your vaginal odor episode, you should bathe in this salt water. The reason is because the salt water will enter your body and flush out the infection. This salt water will work to kill the bacteria at the source. The hot water helps to open up your body. It also helps to put your mind and body at ease so you can feel a bit of relief during this stressful time.

Make sure to wear cotton underwear during this time in your life because you want to allow the area to breathe. You don't want to keep the area closed off to oxygen because a lack of oxygen will cause the infection to fester and worsen. If you want to get good results, then throw on the cotton underwear during this time. It is the best option for you.

Remember to stay calm and to relax during this time in your life. Your infection will be gone in a matter of days and you can expect to feel better soon. Make these feminine odor solutions work for you.

If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site!

You don't have to be self conscious of your vaginal odor anymore. If it's interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help! You can rid yourself of unpleasant vaginal odor today.

Examine How To Remove Skunk Odor much more

Oh no! Your pet got sprayed by a skunk. What should you do now? The first thing many people think of is tomato juice. Don't bother, because it doesn't work. I will explain why later in this article. So, if tomato juice won't work, then what will? A 2% solution of vinegar will help a little, but it won't really do that much.

You need to Neutralize the Skunk odor NOT mask it. Here is the formula to change the chemical structure of the compounds in skunk spray that make it smell so bad, and stick around for such a long time. The Formula was invented by Illinois chemist Paul Krebaum. By the way, this is not just for pets; it will work on you too, if you're unlucky enough to get sprayed!

Skunk Odor Removal Formula

1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (found in any drug store)

¼ cup Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate)

1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap (like Dawn or Palmolive, but any similar dish soap will work)

* This solution must be mixed in an OPEN wide mouth container like a bucket. It will bubble or fizz profusely, so DON'T mix it or store it in a closed container or bottle. This formula will produce pressure in a closed container and cause it to burst. Use it as soon as you make it, because it will lose all effectiveness if it is stored. It must be freshly made in order to work properly.

* Wet your pet's coat with warm water then thoroughly massage formula into pet's coat. Be sure to massage it in very well so that you neutralize every trace of skunk spray. Be VERY careful not to get any of the formula into his eyes nose or mouth. You may use a wash cloth to CAREFULLY wipe it onto his face. Leave it on for about five minutes then rinse off thoroughly (do not get into eyes). Repeat if necessary.

Your Pet's Eyes

Call your vet immediately if the skunk sprays your pet directly in the eyes. You will know because your pet's eyes will be very red, irritated, and probably watery. The spray will make his eyes sting very badly. Your pet will not be permanently blinded but it is very painful.

What Is Skunk Spray Made Of And Why Is It So Strong?

Skunk spray contains compounds called Thiols and Thioacetates. Our noses are very sensitive to Thiols, so sensitive in fact that we can detect then in parts per billion! Thiols smell so horribly noxious because of the sulfur they contain.

The Thioacetates in Skunk spray decompose very slowly into; you guessed it.....Thiols!
So the reason that Skunk spray has such staying power and lingers for so long is because of the slow decomposition of Thioacetates into Thiols. In essence you are getting "timed release" Skunk odor because of the slow release of Thiols.

Why Doesn't Tomato Juice Work?

You may have heard that tomato juice is the magic potion to get rid of Skunk odor, but it isn't magic, it's just an illusion. It is an illusion because strong odors such as Skunk tend to cause something called "olfactory fatigue". Olfactory fatigue happens when an odor binds very strongly to the odor receptors in your nose.

For example olfactory fatigue can occur if someone is wearing strong perfume and you are in the same room for an extended period of time. The odor receptors in your nose become fatigued and you stop noticing the smell, but if you leave the room for a while and return, you will notice the perfume again. The same thing happens with many other odors even strong cooking odors.

So when you use tomato juice, perfume or room or fabric deodorizer sprays on skunk odor. One strong odor is replacing another and it fools your odor receptors. So if you use tomato juice or a deodorizer on your pet, chances are YOU will think your problem is solved but it isn't. Just ask a friend or family member if they smell skunk. They will!

What Do I Do About The Odor In And Around My House?

Clothing, fabrics or surfaces that can withstand bleach may be deodorized by using one cup of bleach per gallon of water. NEVER USE BLEACH ON YOUR PET!

You can also use the peroxide formula to remove the odors from washable items but please remember to spot check the item for color fastness.

If the odor has drifted into the air in your home, try to air out your house as much as possible, time and ventilation will remove the smell.

Any outdoor areas such as decks or concrete that can tolerate being bleached may be deodorized by using one cup of bleach per gallon of water. NEVER USE BLEACH ON YOUR PET!

How To Avoid Getting Sprayed

First of all never chase or corner a skunk! A skunk will give many clear warning signals before it sprays. If he feels threatened a skunk will stomp his front feet arch his back, turn and start to move away. If you do not move away or if you continue to threaten him, he will raise his tail and spray his "terrible perfume" as a defensive action.

Odor Removal
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How To Remove Skunk Odor

Study Treatment For Severe Underarm Odor a lot more

Do you feel like you perspire more than the average person? Have you ever held back from shaking hands with someone because of your sweaty palms? If so you may be suffering from hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating, also called hyperhidrosis, is a very common problem. It is commonly defined as 'sweating more than would be expected in a given temperature and environment'. This condition can manifest as either a generalized or localized problem.

In generalized hyperhidrosis profuse sweating occurs in all areas of the body regardless of temperature and environmental conditions. Localized hyperhidrosis is most often experienced in the hands, feet or underarm areas.

Excessive sweating can be an embarrassing problem causing sufferers to have to wear underarm 'sweat pads' or change clothes often throughout the day. Underarm odor can make people feel uncomfortable in social situations and actually interfere with daily activities.

Luckily there are many treatments available that can help manage the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. For very minor cases of hyperhidrosis something as simple as use of clinical strength antiperspirant (in either over-the-counter or prescription strength) may greatly reduce underarm odor.

For more severe symptoms however a number of medical interventions can be considered. Both topical and oral medications may be employed to help decrease underarm sweating and consequently underarm odor. These medications include hexahydrate solution, an aluminum ingredient found in antiperspirants, and botulinum injection, which temporarily paralyzes the sweat glands in the treated area.

Oral medications can also help reduce symptoms by 'tricking' the body into reducing perspiration output. For the most severe cases of excessive sweating sufferers may elect for surgery to remove sweat glands or render the glands' nerves useless.

It is important to consider that all medications and invasive medical treatments do carry some degree of risk and can have side effects. These effects can range from merely irritating (such as injection site pain) to life threatening (such as a severe allergic reaction to medication or anesthesia).

In many mild to moderate cases, herbal and non-medical treatments can also be quite effective and with minimal side effects. Lifestyle changes, such as dietary changes, weight loss and stress reduction can reduce symptoms for many people.

Treatments that address the root underlying causes may well provide the longest lasting relief. The unpleasant odor that we associate with sweat is actually a result of contact with bacteria and not the perspiration itself. Thus natural treatments that are designed cleanse body systems will actually provide the greatest relief.


Start using a natural method today to get treatment for severe underarm odor. Visit http://victorshealthblog.blogspot.com for more information.

Treatment For Severe Underarm Odor

Examine Chemistry Behind Cat and Kitty Litter Odor Removers extra

Cat and Kitty Litter odor eliminators are big business these days, back in the old days it took tons of elbow grease and a little bit of luck to get rid of cat and kitty litter odor, so why is it so much easier to get rid of these pesky odor spots? Well it's because of you good friends enzymes.

What are enzymes? They are almost exclusively proteins (but not always) that speed up the biological reaction in a cell. They are critical to almost every natural process. So how are these useful in the breakdown of cat and kitty litter odors? Well when you spray some odor remover on some cat pee, it speeds up the breakdown of the components that make up the cat pee, and this in turn means no more stinky house.

So how are they made? Honestly I don't know if I can translate it to plain English. Basically they are made in cells, certain enzymes affect certain substances, so the trick is to find the proper enzyme for the problem that you have at hand, and that is what the kitty litter odor industry has done.

So what are some products with enzymes? Well one very good enzyme product is "Natures Miracle Just For Cats", It has received great reviews on amazon.com and is very cheap. The great thing about it is that the enzymes do all the work, you barely have to put any work into eliminating odor, and that makes for one awesome product.

I know this isn't very detailed information, but it's a start into understanding what enzymes are. Hope This Helped.

Odor Removal

Kitty Litter Advice. For More Information Check Out: http://www.kittylitterblog.com/uncategorized/top-3-ways-to-get-rid-of-cat-and-kitty-litter-odor or http://www.kittylitterblog.com.

Chemistry Behind Cat and Kitty Litter Odor Removers

Odor Removal

Read through Vagina Odor - How To Get A Wonderful Vagina Smell much more

This article is written for anyone looking to get a wonderful vagina smell. These are little tips that will benefit anyone with a vagina.

First, let's cover the possible culprits that lead to vagina odor.

Daily Hygiene: I will not discuss this one other than to say that you must wash your vagina daily. If not, that could be the source of your smelly vaginal odor.

Bacterial Vaginosis: This is a bacterial infection that causes a distinct fishy smell. It is pungent and nasty. The cause is due to an overgrowth of bad bacteria. You are advised not to treat this on your on if you think you have this. It is advisable that you see your doctor and get a prescription for the bacterial infection.

STD's: These certainly can smell. However, most STD's do not have any symptoms in women. So it is unlikely that this is the cause. If the problem persists, or if you know you have been exposed, you should still be tested by your doctor.

Now let us discuss about the more common causes of smelly vagina odor:

Smelly Urine: If your urine is smelly, the scent will linger. This can easily be mistaken as vaginal odor. You need to find out what is causing your urine to smell. Asparagus, beets, curry or anything pungent need to be avoided. What you consume will also come out the same way.

Sweat: If you want to prevent odor from building up, carry some baby wipes in your purse and use them a few times a day. There is often a decrease in the stinky vagina smell when a woman is clean-shaven around the labia. Pubic hair does hold the vaginal smell.

Tips to get rid of the fishy vaginal smell:

Baby Wipes: A girl's best friend! Carry a pack in your bag, and keep a pack in your bathroom. Use them instead of toilet paper and you'll be glad you did!

Cranberry juice: Cranberry juice naturally counters bacteria in the urinary tract system. If you have smelly urine, this will help. Drink a glass every day and see if you notice any improvement.

Baby Oil: You must not use this internally. You can use some of this externally if you do not mind the greasy feeling. You could try cream as well, but, again, not internally.

The above are just some tips on vagina odor and how to get a wonderful vagina smell. If you find this article helpful you can find more tips in the following paragraph.


If you want to learn more tips to treat your smelly vagina just visit this informative site! http://smellyvaginanomore.blogspot.com/

You do not have to be ashamed of your vaginal smell. If it is interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help! You can get rid of your unpleasant vaginal smell today. Click Here Now!

Vagina Odor - How To Get A Wonderful Vagina Smell


Read through Managing Penis Odor - Battling Below the Belt Smells With Vitamin A additional

No man wants to be the smelly guy at the office. In fact, Americans spend a lot of money each year on anti-smell products to ensure they stay shower fresh all day long. Most men keep their bathroom well stocked with a large assortment of deodorants, body washes, antiperspirants, foot sprays, toothpastes, mouth washes, body sprays and colognes - all so he can hear those three little words he longs to hear. No, not the phrase with the "L-word;"rather, he smells good. What man doesn't want hear he smells good? It gives a man a boost of confidence and shows he takes pride in his grooming -- and it sure beats being told dude, take a shower. Even still, with all the olfactory assistance men are seeking these days, few of them think to take care of odor that can occur down there. They assume that a daily shower will keep the stink at bay, and for the general public who keep a reasonable distance, it does; but what happens if a man should find himself in a more intimate setting? The last thing he wants to be worrying about is a sweaty, smelly sac or some funky junk. Learn the secret to fighting a musky manhood and how to maintain a healthy penis.

5 Reasons for a Ripe Package

Even the man who never misses a shower, stays cool as a cucumber all day long, and reapplies deodorant religiously is going to have a slight odor by the end of the day. A man is a man is a man, and the bottom line is, men sweat. Here are 5 reasons a man might have a smelly manhood and not even know it.

Hair - Yup, men who prefer the natural cave man look are going to have a little more of a musk than men who shave their package. Long pubic hair not only increases bacterial growth - by holding in moisture and heat - and the hair actually absorbs some of the smell, trapping the odor where the sun don't shine.
Urine - It is unavoidable; those last few droplets of urine dribble out despite even the most refined shaking method post-pee. This urine collects on underwear, boxers, pubic hair and even the penis itself, which contributes to the unpleasant smell men hope to avoid.
Hygiene issues - A man who is lazy in the shower, or maybe only does a quick rinse after hitting the gym, may be more prone to being on the smelly side of life. It is important to do a thorough wash with gentle soap and water to get the daily grime off each day.
Foreskin - A man who is uncircumcised is going to be more prone to a smelly soldier, unfortunately, as bacteria can thrive underneath that little penis helmet. Gently retracting the foreskin and washing under it can reduce the problem immensely.
Yeast - If a man should notice a fishy smell, see cheesy or whitish discharge, or experience itching or burning while peeing, he may be suffering from a yeast infection, also known as thrush. Bacteria are the cause of this annoying problem, but luckily it is easily treated.

Battling Below the Belt Odor

Of course, the best way of battling the smell is to go directly to the source. If a man can eliminate or reduce the bacteria in the area, the smell will go with it. Using a gentle soap and water every day will help reduce the problem. Some men even elect to use an antibacterial soap to further fight the smell, but user beware, stronger soaps may cause a burning sensation if it should get up the old pee hole. Keeping the pubic hair trimmed may reduce odor as well, as there will be less chance of smells becoming trapped in the area. Finally, using a penis health formula containing vitamin A (health experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can dramatically improve the situation downtown. Vitamin A is known for its antibacterial properties and can attack the number one cause of penis odor, bacteria, so be sure to lotion up daily for a healthy (smell-free) member.

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Managing Penis Odor - Battling Below the Belt Smells With Vitamin A

Understand Odor Remover - When You Love Your Pets, But Hate the Smell much more

Odor Remover - When You Love Your Pets, But Hate the Smell

Odor Removal

If you're like most people, your pets are full-fledged members of the family. They share your living space, they give you unconditional love, and they're always ready with a wag or a purr when you're nearby. But although their cuteness and affection can sometimes make them even more endearing than your human family members, dogs and cats come with their own set of challenges. The most common problem that pet owners mention is the odor associated with their beloved animals.

Cats can present two primary indoor odor-related problems: the litter box and urinating outside of the litter box. For the litter box, choosing the right litter is critical, as is scooping and changing the litter on a regular basis. When a cat urinates away from the litter box, it can be more problematic. If you don't remove the smell right away, the cat is more prone to repeat the behavior. Yet you may not notice it until it's had a chance to soak into the carpet or furniture. Once it's seeped in and the bacteria that cause the ammonia smell have had a chance to multiply, it can be tough to remove the odor.

Cats can also cause odor problems outdoors. If there are other cats in the neighborhood that drop by your yard, for example, you can find yourself in a situation where every cat in the area - including yours - marks and remarks the same spot. In addition, the cats can begin to use one area of your yard as a litter box. Once one cat picks up the scent of another cat's excrement, he will try and cover it with his own. Before you know it, you have a big, smelly problem.

A similar set of challenges plagues some dog owners. Dogs sometimes have accidents indoors, which can trigger a domino effect when you don't have a good odor remover. A dog will have the tendency to go back to the same spot for a second and third time, until you not need both an odor and stain remover.

Likewise, dogs that go in the backyard have a tendency to go in the same spot repeatedly, which can negatively impact your landscaping. If you have a kennel run, on warm days the odors can waft into your home, making the smell of your home unpleasant. Sometimes, dogs just have that "doggy" smell, which can permeate your home over time. In the worst-case scenario, your dog can have a run-in with a skunk, and can reek for days.

What's the solution to pet-related odor problems? Generally speaking, you need a product that doesn't cover up your pet's odors, but instead removes them. Ideally, the product will be scent-free, so that your pet doesn't feel the need to "re-mark" his or her territory. In addition, a product that absorbs pet odors will help prevent your pet from re-visiting the off-limits area and instead go where he's supposed to go.

The best odor remover available is actually a substance that's been used for over a century. Products that have a blend of zeolites utilize their honeycomb-like structure to trap odors. Zeolites' negative molecular charge attracts dust particles that odor molecules cling to, while its micro-pores have incredible absorbency.

When you're looking for this all-natural odor remover, find a line that has different types of products specifically formulated for pets. Zeolites are completely safe for both animals and humans, but you'll want to get different formulations for different uses. For example, you'll want a litter additive powder to sprinkle in the litter box, and a granulated formula to remove odors from carpeting, scratching posts, furniture, and outdoor areas. There are even zeolite pouches that can be set near small animal cages and anywhere you might notice a pet odor.

Pets will always be members of the family, and the right odor remover can ensure that their scent will be unobtrusive.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Odor Remover for Pets.

Examine Auto Detailing and Removing Odor in Vehicles additional

Auto Detailing can be a very rewarding job for the meticulous, professional technician and car buff. For some 27 years before retiring I had run a business cleaning cars, aircraft, boats, etc, and one issue which was always at issue was removing the smell or odor in customers' cars.

Knowing which product to use is one of the biggest keys to success in auto detailing. Since retiring I have written a number of articles on the subject of interior auto detailing. Recently I received an email from an auto detailer who asked me to clarify on which is the best product to remove odor and the detailer stated;

"I read your review on the product; Forceout. You mentioned that you do not swear by it but it is one of your approved products. Could you please let me know what product you do swear by for pet stains, pet odor and smoke odor?"

Well this is an excellent question indeed; For Stain Remover I like Folex. For odor removal I like "odor eater" but, really the best way to remove odor is to use an Ozone Machine, but for a mobile detailer that maybe out of the budget and not something you have room for on your rig or even time on the job to use, as it takes about an hour, then you have to let the car air-out because ozone can be harmful.

Forceout, works good too and to this day I use it in my motor home and it works good for many things. Including any bathroom, behind refrigerator with moisture, etc. It seems their product would be better for even home use. In aircraft having a small squirt bottle of it makes a lot of sense and it is simple to use and it only takes one squirt. I have written several articles on "Interior Detailing" here for your benefit;


There are certain things which work better on different materials and situations, but one thing is important do not spray any odor removal or odor masking products onto plastic clear dashboard areas or any of the newer after market auto accessories, which have plastic clear coatings to resemble wood grain or help accent the interiors. I hope this answers all your questions on removing odor for the professional auto detailer. Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is an online writer in retirement.

Auto Detailing and Removing Odor in Vehicles

Odor Removal

Read Pet Odor - Some Advice For an Odor-Free Home far more

Odor Removal Products

Love, loyalty and joy pets bring in our lives is way worth the trouble of giving our homes extra efforts on cleaning. However, most pet owner will admit that pet odor is quite an unpleasant pet experience that has to be dealt with some way or another. In this article I want us to take a look at some practical advices on pet odor removal.

I would say that the most problematic pet odors pet owners have to deal with are cat and dog urine smells. The best thing you can do about this odor is preventing it. I mean, you need to provide your pet with the best conditions for defecation. Cats' toilets, for example, have to be cleaned daily and may be even several times a day, because cats are pretty picky about such things. If you do not keep their 'restrooms' clean, they will find more suitable spots, from their point of view, of course.

Do not use ammonia cleaners for your carpets or furniture if you have a cat for your pet. Ammonia smell is very similar to cat urine smell, so the pet can  take such a smell for invitation and misuse your carpet giving you much trouble cleaning it.

You may also use special repellents for cats. Such products possess the smell that repels cats from using certain things in your home as their toilets.

If you keep smaller pets, such as rats, guinea pigs or birds, to avoid strong pet odor in your home you need to clean their cages daily. You will also need to change their litter daily or once in few days. To keep the odor down from such pets it is best to use plastic cages, which, unlike the wooden ones, do not soak in and accumulate pet odor in them.

To avoid strong dot odor you need to wash dog bedding once in a while. If you have a long hair dog, you need to brush it regularly, otherwise dog's hair spread around the house will become a cause of strong pet odor.

Such simple things as vinegar or baking soda are great helpers in pet odor removal. You may use them for removing urine stains and odor from carpets, floor, furniture and even from clothes. You may add some soda to your washing detergent, this will keep your clothes pet odor free. You also may use iodine for cleaning wooden surfaces from pet urine odors and for disinfecting them.

I hope you will find these hits useful and enjoy your pet companionship in a pet odor free home.  

Rob Hillman is a Stain Removal Enthusiast. To find out more about all types of Stain Removal, please visit [http://www.removestains.me/pet-odor/]

Pet Odor - Some Advice For an Odor-Free Home

Go through Cat Odor Removal Solutions more

Cat odor removal is one of the side issues that cat lovers everywhere need to deal with. It is not a problem that is isolated. It is a problem that is dealt with every day somewhere that there is a cat. It could be the overbearing cat litter box, or it could be those accidents that your cat has on the carpet, flooring, furniture or walls of the house. Depending on where the accident is you already learned a little about what the cause might be and knowing the cause might be a good thing when you need to deal with the issue.

If your cat is urinating on furniture or on walls there is a good chance that it is spraying and not urinating. Although both use urine as the mechanism they are done differently, they mean different things and they even smell differently. If your cat is spraying they are protecting their territory against a change that has occurred. This change could be a new animal, a new person or a new sound in the house that gives the cat the need to stake out its turf. You need to spend time reassuring your cat as well as reprimanding them if you catch it. Correcting spraying is easier than other behaviors. A loud noise along with a reprimand or a spray of water in the face couple of times will go a long way to setting your cat straight.

If your cat is just urinating in the wrong place try a commercial cat odor removal cleanser or one of the many home remedies that you can use if you want to eliminate odor. The pet stores have many options so make sure you are getting cat specific cleansers and not general urine removal cleansers. Cat urine is different and harder to address so getting the right kind of remover is important. If you decide you don't want to go commercial there are a number of things you can use that are in your pantry that might work.

Although there are many home products that some cat owners like to use, the fact is that the potency of cat urine lends itself to something a bit stronger. There are many commercial options out there that you can use to attack this issue. Whatever you use, you will want to apply after you have gotten up as much of the urine as possible. Use gloves whenever you are dealing with urine, cleaning products or brushes and clothes to soak it up.

Thru trial and error you will find what eventually gets rid of the odor. In all cases keep the cat away from the spot you are cleaning until you are completely done with the cleaning process and it has been dried and cleaned.

Odor Removal Products
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Cat Odor Removal Solutions

Study Way to Remove Odor in Water, Fire, and Also Mold a lot more

There are few things more offensive than a foul smell that remains after a water damage fire or other catastrophe in the home. And there may be nothing worse than to have your home look beautiful after repairs have been completed, but still have the lingering odor of mildew, mold, or fire.

Odor Removal in Your Home or Business?

Restoration professionals have the expertise to greatly reduce the possibility of lingering odors. With the proper equipment, products, and procedures, a mold or fire mitigation professional evaluates every situation and proposes and then implements odor removal protocols to eliminate such problems. The professional knows when and how to use masking agents, pairing agents, electronic deodorizers, cleaners, disinfectants, and sealants. She or he will also know when demolition and removal is the best option. Most deodorization jobs will require a combination of procedures to be completely effective.

Water damage frequently causes a musty odor to remain in the home. Improper or incomplete drying of structural or content items is usually the cause. Appropriate drying of the damaged area by a qualified technician is critical. Water detection tools available to the professional help eliminate problems that might occur later on. In addition, daily monitoring and charting of the results during the restoration process further ensures that the structure and contents are completely dried.

However, an intermittent or constant musty smell almost always signals the presence of mold. There is a ten step mold remediation process that will eliminate the mold and the musty odor smell. Only when the cause of the smell, in this case, mold is completely removed will the smell dissipate.

Odors from fire damage tend to be more complicated. A fire restoration expert will determine a number of factors such as: the source of the contamination, the degree of heat involved, the time the materials were in the structure, the extent of the contamination, and the type of materials directly contaminated. The professional will form an action plan and then implement that plan to eliminate lingering odor problems.


Deodorization can be a complex issue. A restoration expert knows the basics of odor removal. Odor can and should be attacked very simply. First, eliminate the source. Second, clean the contaminated area. And third, if necessary, seal or remove the source that was exposed to the contamination. Nature eventually deodorizes virtually all odors. Unfortunately, it can take a long time on its own. A restoration specialist, however, can greatly speed up the process with the proper equipment, training, and expertise.

Regardless of the circumstances - dealing with odors or other aspects of water damage, fire/smoke damage, or mold remediation call specialists. For all property damage situations, these professionals are standing by. They will mitigate the loss to prevent further damage and will then provide restoration services to return the property to a pre-loss condition as quickly as possible. All professional restoration offices have well-trained professional technicians who provide the latest state-of-the-science services to all property damaged from water, fire, smoke, mold, and other disasters.

Cleaning agents are always an important aspect of deodorization. The first and most essential step in any deodorizing situation is to remove the source, which usually involves cleaning. Unfortunately, this is often ignored or minimized by non-professionals. Cleaning sometimes requires aggressive steps to remove the source of the odors. For example, the heat from a fire causes pores in certain materials to enlarge, allowing contaminants to enter the microscopic openings. Then, once cooled, the pores close trapping the contaminant. This holds in the odor and causes problems if not treated properly. The restoration professional, with appropriate training, can detect such problems and perform the correct cleaning procedures.

Where there is fire and heat, there is also pressurization. Increased pressure can force odor molecules into hidden or inaccessible areas, such as behind cabinets, behind baseboards, into walls through switch and socket covers, etc. Sometimes conditions need to be re-created for complete deodorization to take place. By increasing the vapor pressure of the deodorant, it will penetrate into hidden and inaccessible areas the same way the odor molecule traveled. Completely eliminating odors may require the application of a heavily pigmented sealer to semi-porous building materials (such as wallboard, framing, sub-floor, etc.) in fire and mold. This will permanently seal the remaining odor in the material. In other cases, removing the affected material through demolition is the best option.

Masking agents or fragrances are often be a part of every deodorization process. However, care must be taken when using masking agents because they are sometimes offensive to individuals.

Pairing agents, on the other hand, tend to be odor modifiers. One such deodorizing method is to emit a dry vapor into the atmosphere that absorbs the odor molecule and neutralizes the offensive odor.

Ozone is also an odor modifier. It is often called the only true deodorizer because it physically changes the chemical composition of the odor molecule. Ozone works well on a broad range of offensive odors, but its effectiveness depends on the length of time used. It sometimes takes days for it to work well. Whenever ozone is used, caution is warranted. People, pets, and plants should be evacuated during its use. Natural rubber components should be removed or protected.

Also frequently used are hydroxyl machines that have the same impact as ozone but are green and have less problematic impact. Hydroxyls (OH) are safe, naturally occurring molecules that are created in our atmosphere when the sun's ultraviolet rays react with water vapor. This Hydroxyl generating system is a newer green technology and is an advanced solution for eliminating odors, decontaminating surfaces and purifying the air. It is safer technology than Ozone and will not cause damage to people, pets, or plants

A restoration professional knows when to use these procedures and how to use them safely.

SUMMARY: As you begin to learn about the dangers and prevention pertaining to Fire, Water and Mold damage in your home or business, you will better understand what steps to take to protect your family, employees, pets, personal belongings, business records, equipment, building structure, landscaping and surrounding areas. More importantly, in addition to knowing what steps you can take to aide in prevention, many of these same techniques will help you to mitigate risks in case of an emergency related to fire, water or mold damages should they happen to you. As stated earlier in this series, the more you know about the dangers of Fire, Water and Mold, the better prepared you will be when disaster strikes and in addition to mitigating risks, you may one day help save the life of someone you love as well as yourself, because disaster can strike anyone, anywhere at any time and it is up to you to gain the knowledge to protect your family, home and business and know when to call the professionals who can only respond after the emergency strikes.

Odor Removal Products

Internet Marketing by LocalNet360

© Copyright LocalNet360, Tampa Bay Mold Removal, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Mary O'Hara holds a Masters of Public Health and has numerous certifications in mold remediation, fire restoration, lead remediation, and fire damage restoration. She spent 25 years as a health care executive with leading health care organizations in Minneapolis, Seattle, St Louis, and Tampa. She started her first health care related business in 2005 in Florida and is a senior partner in a Disaster Restoration Business serving Florida. In 2010, Mary added a mold assessor course and certification to assist with scientific enquiry of residential and commercial building problems.

For more information on Mold testing and/or remediation Services please visit or call: http://www.tampabaymoldremoval.com info@tampabaymoldremoval.com Call: (855) 2RID MOLD (274-3665)

Way to Remove Odor in Water, Fire, and Also Mold

Study Indoor Pollution Air Purifiers more

Your indoor air quality may seem perfect to you, since you are taking a good care of your house by cleaning it on a regular basis, renovating from time to time, changing your furniture and window treatments, you may not think that indoor pollution air purifiers may come handy to you since there is nothing to worry about. But you may not be aware of the presence of hidden highly toxic pollutants that exist in your house, even inside your conventional cleaning products. In fact more than 1,500 hazardous substances may be found in the typical American home. Chemicals, molds, bacteria, viruses, pet hair, fungi, pollen, dust mites and other insects, smoke related particles and many more are causing 50 million Americans to suffer from allergies and asthma.

American Lung Association names the following indoor pollutants as the most dangerous ones: asbestos, biological agents that exist in every home, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde which comes from building materials, smoking and household products, radon, pesticides and lead. According to the EPA, "indoor pollution can be as much as 100 times greater than outdoors."

Over 1 million Americans are looking into buying indoor pollution air purifiers each year, but choosing the right one may become a tedious task since they are not made equal and each type is designed to remedy certain issues.

A HEPA (High Efficiency Particle Arresting) filter can remove the majority of harmful particles, including mold spores, dust, dust mites, pet dander and other irritating allergens from the air. The "True" HEPA filtration technology is currently the only type of air purification system recommended by the U.S. Government's Department of Homeland Security and FEMA. If HEPA filtration system is incorporated with carbon activated devices it creates a very powerful tool which eliminates indoor air pollution effectively. Some other types you may look into are UV air purifiers, ionizers and ozone purifiers. Each of them has its own pluses and minuses.

The top ten air purifiers we recommend are IQAir Health Pro, Blueair 601, Alen A375UV (most advanced HEPA filtration), Alen A350, Eco-Rx Master Series RX400, AllerAir, Austin Air Healthmate, Whirlpool Whispure AP45030S, Honeywell Enviracaire 50250, Hamilton Beach TrueAir 04161.

Educate yourself on pros and cons when it comes to choosing an effective indoor pollution air purifiers, it should not be a science project, but using common sense will help you to make a good decision.

Odor Removal Products

Our mission at [http://buy-air-purifier.com] is to spread the awareness of indoor pollution and how it can affect your health.

We've got a great selection of new and used air purifiers designed for different purposes: asthma and allergy relief, pet odor removal, smoke odor removal and more.

If you have any questions about our products please contact us at airpurifierspro@buy-air-purifier.com and visit our site for more valuable information [http://buy-air-purifier.com]

Check http://www.squidoo.com/allergy-relief-air-purifiers for more information on allergy related issues caused by indoor air pollution

Indoor Pollution Air Purifiers

Study Get Rid of Excessive Sweating and Body Odor extra

Get Rid of Excessive Sweating and Body Odor


I know how it feels when you sweat a little more than normal and people start to make those ugly faces because of the offensive odor you generate. In fact official meetings can become very embarrassing when there is excessive sweating along with bad body odor.

What causes excessive perspiration and bad body odor?

Excessive perspiration happens due to overactive sympathetic nervous system. This can impact several parts of the body or just a few of them. Common body parts affected are underarms, head, genitals, face, feel and palms.

The bad body odor develops when sweat gets infected with bacteria. The sweat that comes out from the underarm also has some proteins and fatty acids that attract bacteria. This is the reason underarm produces really offensive odor.

Here are some simple steps that can help get rid of excessive sweating and body odor:

1) Have a shower with a mild soap twice a day. Preferably use an antibacterial soap so that you can get rid of bacteria regularly.

2) Carry body wipes with you even when you go to work. Use the wipes to clean the affected areas once or twice during the day. This will surely help in controlling the problem to certain extent. Body wipes with aluminum chloride are known to be effective in controlling mild form of excessive perspiration.

3) If your body odor and sweating is more than mild then it will make sense to go for antiperspirant products that have a slightly higher concentration of aluminum chloride.

4) Certain foods are known to trigger excessive sweating and offensive body smell. Avoid onion, garlic, fried items and other processed food as much as possible. Even coffee and other caffeine products are known to trigger excessive perspiration.

5) If you have very severe excessive sweating then it is best to visit a specialist and take appropriate medical treatment in a timely manner.

Are you looking for a proven solution for solving your body odor and excessive sweating problem? There is a proven solution that helps you cure body odor within a few weeks without using expensive treatments. If you are serious about solving your sweating problem, then don't miss looking at this solution by clicking - Excessive Sweating Cure

Read through Hottest Female Hair Removal Brands of 2010 more

For many years now, women have been battling unwanted hair. From almost invincible peach-fuzz type of hair to coarser and darker excess hair, undesired hair is a common problem that make us feel less feminine and can easily ruin our confidence. Even though most women have been using different methods and products that satisfy their own requirements, maybe it is about time to test some other products that may bring better results. Based upon average 100 real customer reviews for each product, here are the most preferred hair removal products of the past 2010.

Tria Laser Hair Removal System

Most women interested in laser hair removal methods, but not willing to spend a lot of money on professional procedures have decided to go with the Tria at-home laser system. It brings best results when used over smaller areas, but it is not recommended for facial hair removal. Over time (usually 2-3 months), the product can reduce hair growth. Bear in mind this is not a permanent hair removal solution.

Average product price: $500

No!No! Hair Removal

A revolutionary hair removal product that uses thermicon based heat technology. This is another great product that you can use at the comfort of your home. Clinical studies show that No!No! may reduce hair growth with up to 65% if used properly. This innovative solution guarantees that hair will grow back thinner and finer. The biggest advantage of No!No! is that it is completely painless, while the possible burnt odor may appear as its main downside.

Average product price: $260


Revitol depilatory cream promises to replace your daily hair removal duties. Principle of work is the same like many other depilatory products. However, the aggressive advertising policy of Revitol has brought much more sales making it one of the most used products of 2010. Main advantage of the product is that it is painless and it does not burn your skin. Nevertheless, it does not remove hair completely and having in mind it contains chemical ingredients, it should not be used repeatedly over the same areas.

Average product price: $15 per bottle


Vaniqa is a prescription hair inhibitor that may reduce hair growth. It affects hair follicles and disrupts their growth. You can only use the product combined with other hair elimination method such as waxing, sugaring or shaving. Side effects may occur; skin irritations such as redness, stinging, burning, acne or rash. It is mandatory to consult your doctor/physician before you can use Vaniqa.

Average product price: $50 per single tube

Vector Electrolysis

You can easily use the system at the privacy of your home. Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method of permanent hair removal. Unfortunately, results are not guaranteed. Vector is an easy to use system that may lead to reduction in hair growth. Even though many people find it hard to use, the product works well if used properly. It is very time consuming and lots of side effects may appear.

Average product price: $200

No matter which product will suit your own preferences, make sure it has a good return policy. There is absolutely no guarantee that a certain method will bring results, so you should be able to easily return it and test another one.

Odor Removal Products

Erin Hailey is a beauty consultant specializing in facial hair removal for women [http://facialhairremoval-women.com/]. Read more about unwanted facial hair removal methods [http://facialhairremoval-women.com/facial-hair-removal-methods/] here.

Hottest Female Hair Removal Brands of 2010

Read 3 Good Tips That Will Definitely Help You Get Rid of Skunk Odor extra

3 Good Tips That Will Definitely Help You Get Rid of Skunk Odor

Odor Removal

If you or someone near to you or even your pet for that matter has been sprayed by a skunk you can bet on it that there is going to be one hell of a skunk odor all around.

What are you going to do about skunk odor removal?

This is the first thought that should hit you because the smell that is going to ensue is more horrible than you can ever imagine. The worst part about being in such a situation is that it is really hard for you to come up with a quick solution to getting rid of that awful smell.

The truth is that when you get hit with the spray of a skunk, there is little time that you have on your hands to think of wasting on various kinds of home remedies or products that will help you take care of the situation and get rid of the smell.

What can you do to get rid of that horrible smell before it is too late?

Here are some things that you can do that will help you get rid of that skunk smell very quickly and effortlessly:

First and foremost you must make sure that the person or the pet that has been sprayed does not touch anything at all. You need to make sure that this does not happen as skunk spray is a very oily kind of liquid. This liquid spreads very rapidly when it comes in contact with any kind of object. Thus, if by accident, the person or pet has been sprayed by a skunk and any object is touched, the object should be thoroughly cleaned at once.
As far as you possibly can, try getting the skunk odor outdoors. This will really help you in keeping your home free from the smell and fresh and clean too. Letting fresh air into the house is definitely going to do you a world of good.
If your pet is the one who is the victim, do not take your pet into your home. This is because as soon as you do so, your pet will try to shake of the wetness caused by the skunk. Your pet will begin to rub against all things in the house like your tables, chairs, beds, carpets and walls, in desperate attempts to get rid of the odor.

Doing these things will definitely help you in taking care of skunk odor!

For more information about Skunk Smell Removal, visit us at http://www.odorzout.com and feel free to ask Dr. Stink.

Read Odor Removal And Your New Small Business extra

An unimaginable amount of money is spent on maintaining clean homes. There is truly nothing quite like entering a house with a nice, fresh aroma. However, if your schedule is hectic and your budget is limited, you might want to check into an industrial strength odor removal formula. If you're lucky you'll find the little-known item that really always does the job for you. We've tried it with a product called Odorzout and it's sitting right there in the store among other products that are completely useless. Try PetSmart if you can't find it.

Most odor removing systems which are marketed especially for you are not the answer to a smelly house issue. If you had a way to remove smell you would not have to worry about the potentially high cost of cleaning certain things. It is important that you find something that does not just cover up the smell with their own smell, but you want something that is odorless and absorbs the offending smell.

Generic odor removal products may be the thing for you, especially since you can set up a stand right in front of the largest companies during these product demonstration sessions. Warehouse stores generally carry these types of products and have them displayed. They can be in aerosol or bottle form, and if they are properly designed can carry all the appeal that the more expensive brands carry, but for a cheaper price. What could be better than cleaning your target with a cleaner that is less expensive?

Having a working knowledge of how to remove fishy odors, pet smells and other unpleasant aromas, you're ready for a career in the cleaning business. Rich people aren't the only ones hiring cleaning services. Anyone with a tight schedule and messy house might pay you to clean for them - at a price you determine. There was a guy who sold his services to real estate agents. All he had to do was sprinkle Odorzout around the house and send them the bill. It worked every time, and he made a lot doing it.

Most odor removal methods are temporary solutions. They require continuous deodorizing. To use Odorzout, you simply secure the lid. The final step, vacuuming up the dusty residue, can be performed by the homeowner.

At the end of the day, you will surely agree that commercial odor removal is a terrible idea as compared to the use of Odorzout, the completely natural, organic aroma remover. If you want to exhibit in a really clean area at the next commercial exposition, Odorzout will give you your money's worth.

Odor Removal

Nothing compares to walking into a fresh, clean smelling home. Most odor removal products do not remove smell but simply cover up the smell with their own smell. A truly effective product is one that actually removes the smell and is itself odorless. If you create and market it right, your odor remover can be a big hit with companies. After you've gained all that experience in eliminating awful cooking odors and pet odors, you could consider turning that expertise to the starting of a cleaning company. Most removal methods are temporary solutions. Odorzout is an odor elimination product that is all natural and organic.

Odor Removal And Your New Small Business

Study Ways to Mask Odor in Your Home far more

Odor Removal

Odor is a common problem in most households. If you start to notice a foul smell, your instinct is probably to find a way to cover it up. While removing the source of the odor is the most effective way to return your house to a sweet-smelling state, masking the smell can also be the way to go. Try some of the following ideas to cover any odors in your home.

Candles: Candles are a popular gift - it seems almost everyone has one or two kicking around somewhere. Scented candles are a great way to add a pleasant smell to your home to cover up any odors you'd rather not have. Try a variety of scents to figure out which one works best for you.

Ground Coffee: Ground coffee can be used as a subtle way to eliminate odors. Put a few scoops of unused grounds into clean old socks and hang them up in your closet. This will help eliminate any musty smells that might pop up.

Dryer Sheets: Dryer sheets are an easy and cost effective way to freshen your home. They smell great and can be tucked away anywhere you can think of. Put them in your drawers or your closets. You can even leave them in sports shoes overnight and wake up to fresh-smelling footwear.

Sprays: There is a wide array of odor-controlling sprays on the market today. Some will simply mask the odors already present in your home will others will eliminate them altogether. There's a scent available for almost any taste, so do some experimenting to find out which one you like best.

Baking Soda: Baking soda is an effective odor remover for many parts of the house. Put a box in the back of the fridge to smoke up the smell of leftovers. Spread some on the bottom of your kitty litter box to keep that part of your house smelling fresh. You can even put a little bit in the bottom of your gym shoes to soak up sweat odors. There's no limit to what this powder can do!

Charcoal: Pick up some activated charcoal at your local pet store and fill a container with it. Place the container in spots that tend to get hit by mold and mildew, like the basement or a closet. The charcoal will keep the smell at bay.

These are only a few of the strategies you can use to keep foul odors in your home at bay. While covering up a smell might not be the best permanent solution, it's a great way to address the problem in the short term. There's no reason for a house to smell, especially with so many easy solutions available.

If you've noticed some odors in your house you'd like to get rid of, learn more about Removing Bad Smells [http://housecleaningminneapolis.net/33/removing-bad-smells-in-your-home/] in Your Home at House Cleaning Minneapolis [http://housecleaningminneapolis.net/].

Ways to Mask Odor in Your Home

Read through Odor Remover - When You Love Your Pets, But Hate the Smell extra

Odor Remover - When You Love Your Pets, But Hate the Smell

Odor Removal

If you're like most people, your pets are full-fledged members of the family. They share your living space, they give you unconditional love, and they're always ready with a wag or a purr when you're nearby. But although their cuteness and affection can sometimes make them even more endearing than your human family members, dogs and cats come with their own set of challenges. The most common problem that pet owners mention is the odor associated with their beloved animals.

Cats can present two primary indoor odor-related problems: the litter box and urinating outside of the litter box. For the litter box, choosing the right litter is critical, as is scooping and changing the litter on a regular basis. When a cat urinates away from the litter box, it can be more problematic. If you don't remove the smell right away, the cat is more prone to repeat the behavior. Yet you may not notice it until it's had a chance to soak into the carpet or furniture. Once it's seeped in and the bacteria that cause the ammonia smell have had a chance to multiply, it can be tough to remove the odor.

Cats can also cause odor problems outdoors. If there are other cats in the neighborhood that drop by your yard, for example, you can find yourself in a situation where every cat in the area - including yours - marks and remarks the same spot. In addition, the cats can begin to use one area of your yard as a litter box. Once one cat picks up the scent of another cat's excrement, he will try and cover it with his own. Before you know it, you have a big, smelly problem.

A similar set of challenges plagues some dog owners. Dogs sometimes have accidents indoors, which can trigger a domino effect when you don't have a good odor remover. A dog will have the tendency to go back to the same spot for a second and third time, until you not need both an odor and stain remover.

Likewise, dogs that go in the backyard have a tendency to go in the same spot repeatedly, which can negatively impact your landscaping. If you have a kennel run, on warm days the odors can waft into your home, making the smell of your home unpleasant. Sometimes, dogs just have that "doggy" smell, which can permeate your home over time. In the worst-case scenario, your dog can have a run-in with a skunk, and can reek for days.

What's the solution to pet-related odor problems? Generally speaking, you need a product that doesn't cover up your pet's odors, but instead removes them. Ideally, the product will be scent-free, so that your pet doesn't feel the need to "re-mark" his or her territory. In addition, a product that absorbs pet odors will help prevent your pet from re-visiting the off-limits area and instead go where he's supposed to go.

The best odor remover available is actually a substance that's been used for over a century. Products that have a blend of zeolites utilize their honeycomb-like structure to trap odors. Zeolites' negative molecular charge attracts dust particles that odor molecules cling to, while its micro-pores have incredible absorbency.

When you're looking for this all-natural odor remover, find a line that has different types of products specifically formulated for pets. Zeolites are completely safe for both animals and humans, but you'll want to get different formulations for different uses. For example, you'll want a litter additive powder to sprinkle in the litter box, and a granulated formula to remove odors from carpeting, scratching posts, furniture, and outdoor areas. There are even zeolite pouches that can be set near small animal cages and anywhere you might notice a pet odor.

Pets will always be members of the family, and the right odor remover can ensure that their scent will be unobtrusive.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Odor Remover for Pets.

Examine How to Remove Spots From Fabric Furniture more

Odor Removal Products

First of all, let me explain one thing about spots and stains:

- We call spots some unwanted soiled marks on the fabric that does not belongs to the fabric itself and can be easily removed. Spots are more like: - Grease, shoe polish, finger prints, etc.

- Stains are a little more complicated to be removed and most of the times they can not be removed at all. Few stains that can be removed from the fabric are more like: - Food, coffee, juice, wine, beer, water, ink, urine, etc.

- Stains that can not be removed from fabric are bleach; and hard to remove: blood.

Most of spots and stains can be removed if used with the proper product. One very important thing to remember is to pre-test the material first. Here I will tell you how to remove most of the stains out of fabric, and the same process can be used to remove spots/stains from carpet as well.

This is what you need to do first, before you can actually try to remove any spot or stain from fabric or carpet:

- Take an inconspicuous area and make a test first. If you a trying to remove a spot/stain from carpet, go to a closet or a small area under the bed or behind a dresser and try the product you are going to use to remove the spot/stain. Apply a small amount on the cloth and work on the carpet and observe for a color transfer. If you notice a transfer, stop use the product, try a different, a mild one. The same concept applies for fabric, usually under the furniture you will have a small piece of fabric where you will be able to try for color fastness or transfer. If you noticed that the color is been transferred to the cloth stop the process and try something different. Always pre test any product before use them.

Alright, let's get started:

-Liquid Stains:

1- First blot the stain with a clean cloth leaving it, if possible, on the stain for a few minutes to absorb the most out of it. Keep changing the cloth for a clean one for as long as you see transfer.
2- Then, spread "Super-Sorb Liquid Spills Absorbent" over the stain and let it stand for about 15 to 20 minutes.
3- Vacuuming the whole area repeating the process if necessary.
4- If the stain persists, repeat steps 1 to 3 until you see no more stain.

-Grease or shoe polish spots:

1- Using "Buckeye Gum, Tar & Oil Remover" blot a small portion onto a clean white cloth and start working gently on the spot.
2- Repeat the process for as long as you see transfer. But, remember to not over-wet the spot or you can damage the fabric.
3- If possible, do a little each day until you have all the spot gone, this will avoid over-wetting the spot.

-Ink stains:

1- Using "RESOLVE Spot Magic Carpet Cleaner", spray a little mist on top of the stain and blot with a clean white towel.
2- Keep repeating the process until all ink is removed.

Note: Most of ink stains require more than one time service, just remember to avoid over wetting the stain, if necessary do it in more days.

-Pet urine stain:

This is something different from any usual stain; you are dealing with many things in here:

- Bacteria.

- Acid

- Sometimes blood.

- Bad odor.

- Body fluid.

So it requires a more detailed procedure and the use of a hand glove. Some technicians use mask because of the products they deal with, in this scenario, you are not require to use mask as our product won't do you any harm.

1- First blot the stain with a clean dry white towel to remove as much urine you can.
2- Then, spread "D-Vour Absorbent Powder" over the stain and let it stand for 15 to 30 minutes. 3- Vacuum the powder off the stain and repeat the process if necessary.
4- Using the "Shakedown Odor Eliminator" spread it over the stain and in the entire area after the stain has been removed.
5- Vacuuming the entire area in the next day.

Note: This process should remove the stain without any problem, if don't, repeat steps 2 to 5.

If you have any questions email me at feedback@idoclean.com

See you in my next article.

Nilson Lana has been in the carpet cleaning business for many years. For more information about cleaning supplies please visit http://www.nilsonlana.blogspot.com

How to Remove Spots From Fabric Furniture

Odor Removal Products

Read through How to Smell Good Down There Always - Useful Tips to Avoid & Treat Foul Vaginal Odor more

If foul vaginal odor is a recurring problem which you keep facing off and on it is time you did something about it. You need to treat vaginal odor not only to save you of the embarrassment it causes but also to eliminate the infection responsible for your smelly vagina. If left untreated the infection can create complications at a later stage. Remember it is easy to treat the problem in the initial stages. As you keep postponing the treatment it becomes more and more difficult to get rid of the odor fast.

For those of you feeling shy to consult a doctor there are numerous natural remedies for vaginal odor cure. These remedies provide safe cure at a very reasonable cost. Biggest advantage of using these remedies is the permanent cure it provides from the privacy of your home.

Begin your treatment by soaking in bath water to which Epsom salt has been added. This salt water solution will eliminate the bad bacteria responsible for the infection.

Another one of the excellent natural remedies for vaginal odor cure is parsley. Parsley has potent odor neutralizing properties. For making use of it buy organic parsley and insert a small piece directly inside the vagina.

Apple cider vinegar is another home remedy for treating a smelly vagina. To make use of this remedy combine either white distilled or apple cider vinegar with a quart of lukewarm water. Make use of this solution as the final wash to cleanse your vagina. Please note that you should use this remedy only once daily for a maximum of 10 days. Alternatively, soak in luke warm bath water to which couple of cups of apple cider vinegar has been added for around 20 minutes to treat vaginal odor.


Want to get rid of vaginal smell permanently? Did you know a) There is a proven natural technique which will help you to get rid of foul odor in just 3 days b) Developed by a chronic sufferer, this scientific method will permanently relieve embarrassing vaginal odor in 3 days. To get rid of chronic odor click - bacterial vaginosis bv

How to Smell Good Down There Always - Useful Tips to Avoid & Treat Foul Vaginal Odor


Understand Finding a Reliable Cat Urine Remover extra

Finding a Reliable Cat Urine Remover

Odor Removal Products

Odor Removal Products

Cat urine smell is caused by the proteins that are present in it. For instance, a carpet that has cat pee on it will dry up but leaves the distinctive cat urine smell. This is because these proteins form crystals which are reactivated by the moisture in the air. When it does, the urine odor can leave a room smelling foul and unpleasant to say the least. Feline urine odor can be removed by using natural products or a store bought preparation specific for the problem. You have to choose a feline urine remover that does not contain ammonia because cat urine contains it. Cats will gravitate towards the source of the smell when nature calls and then, they'll pee on the same spot. Other removers will just mask the smell of cat pee. After a while, when the smell of the cat urine remover wears out, the odor of the urine will still be there to haunt you.

For most people who love pets, cats would probably be among their top ranking choices. Having cats as pets have a lot of advantages but the pungent aroma of cat pee is definitely not among them. For cat owners, cat excrement is part of the package. You have to take the bad as well as the good. Cats are divas, though. They like their space sparkling clean. If they find it less than what they think they deserve, they'll find some other place to pee. Two of their most common preferences are either your brand new carpet or your newly bought sofa set. The cat urine odor on these house fixtures should be cleaned up totally. Otherwise your cat will think you don't mind because the cat urine smell is still there. If you happen to catch your cat peeing on your carpet, it would be useless to scold it. The most that you can do is to blot the stain with some highly absorbent cloth or paper towel. Use warm water on another towel to blot the stain again. Don't rub, otherwise the cat urine will seep deeper into the carpet, making the odor harder to remove.

Feline urine odor can be removed using a mixture of three parts water and one part vinegar. Apply it on the stinky spot, taking care to saturate it very well. Dry the spot thoroughly and sprinkle baking soda on it. Make a solution of 3/4 cup hydrogen peroxide and one teaspoon of dish detergent. Hydrogen peroxide can discolor your carpet so make sure to try the mixture out on a less conspicuous spot. If it doesn't cause the carpet to discolor, sprinkle the mixture over the stinky spot and work it in. You can use your fingers or a hairbrush to do this. When you're satisfied that the urine smell is removed, let the carpet dry. You won't be able to tell if all the traces of cat pee odor are gone unless the carpet is completely dry. If you can still smell it on your carpet, you may have to repeat the process.

If you don't have much time cleaning up your cat's mess using natural methods, a reliable cat excrement remover can be found to get rid of the stink. You cannot just let feline urine pollute your place and leave it odorous. You need a reliable cat urine remover to solve the problem for you.

You can check out the various products available online or at pet stores to see what suits your needs best. You can also read about your options from cat urine remover reviews available on the web.

Having a pet cat is rewarding and fun. Just be prepared though for your feline's call of nature. Managing these problems can be made easier with a support group. Exchange thoughts with all the cat lovers in the world sharing the same problem as with all cats at cat urine remover.

Log on to http://AntiMicrobialAgents.org/ to learn more about which of the natural and commercial cat urine removal products and techniques work.

Read Cat Urine Solutions: Get Rid of the Odor for Good far more

Cats are one of nature's most fascinating creatures and are so enjoyable to watch. There are many reasons to love cats, but cat urine is not one of them. Felines have probably the most pungent smelling urine and feces of any other domesticated animal. Feces can easily be picked up and disposed of properly, but what about cat urine? Urine will soak into a carpet and many people find it nearly impossible to completely get rid of it, but it is possible. There are a few simple rules one must go by to get rid of cat urine on carpet for good, but first it's a good idea to understand the physics behind the problem.

When an animal urinates on carpet, it doesn't just soak into the carpet, but also into the padding. If left untreated it will even soak into wood or particle board floors. A product that simply sits on the stain or is rubbed into the carpet fibers will not do anything about the urine in the padding. Those kinds of cleaners will eliminate the stain on the carpet itself, but the stain always comes back the next day once the urine in the padding has time to soak back up into the newly cleaned carpet fibers. Even when a cat owner thinks they have won the battle, it's usually not the case.

The next problem is the residual odor. Just because the human residents cannot smell it, doesn't mean the cat cannot. If a cat smells the residual odor of urine, it will likely think that spot is an appropriate place to go and use it again. Only a truly effective cat urine remover product will remove the odor to such a degree the cat doesn't even know the stain was ever there.

The best answer so far is enzymatic and bacterial cleaners. Enzymatic cleaners have components that actually eat the urine, thus removing the stain. Of this category of cat urine removers, here is a list of the most highly praised:

1. Nature's Miracle Stain and Odor Remover
This product uses bacteria that consume the urine. It does a great job of this and receives many positive reviews from consumers. There is another product on the market by the same company called, Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer with which consumers are not quite as happy, stating the urine smells better than the product. A 32 ounce squirt bottle of Nature's Miracle sells for about $7.

2. MisterMax Anti Icky Poo
This is another urine remover that garners high praise from consumers. Not only does it use live bacteria to destroy stains, but it's also nontoxic to humans and pets in addition to being environmentally friendly. This product can be found in a gallon size jug for about $32.

3. Simple Solution Extreme
This is a spray on product, which is not typically the best choice to get down into the carpet padding, but still receives high marks from reviewers. It touts itself as being the only pro-bacteria formula. Cat owners can pick up a 32 ounce spray bottle of this for about $9.

4. Equalizer Stain and Odor Remover
Consumer reviews of this product are stellar; stating it not only eliminates the stain, but neutralizes the odor completely ensuring the cat will not use the same spot again. This product sells for approximately $10 for a 20 oz aerosol can.

5. Fizzion
Another highly praised urine remover is Fizzion. One of the nice things about this product is that they sell tablets the consumer can mix with water to refill the spray bottle once it's empty. This eliminates waste in the landfills and saves the consumer time and money. A 32 ounce spray bottle of Fizzion, complete with a two-pack refill, sells for about $7.

After one or two applications of any of these products, it's a good idea to then follow-up with a steam cleaner. Only use the steam cleaner after the product has been given good time to work its magic. If the carpet is steamed right away, the heat will kill the bacteria. The steam cleaner will get down into the padding and lift any residual urine that may be left over. Once the carpet has then been allowed to cool off and dry somewhat, follow-up once again with another shot of the urine remover. This will ensure the stain and odor are gone forever.

By following these instructions and recommendations nearly any urine stain can be completely removed, even those stains that have been around awhile. In fact, that spot on the carpet will probably be the cleanest of the entire house. Not even the cat will know they ever went there.

Odor Removal

Velita Livingston is the founder of the Cat Lover's Diary blob which provides rich content with great advice on cat care tips and cat training, teaching pet owners how to protect, pamper and live peacefully with their pets. Visit the http://www.catloversdiary.com to watch the Cat Lover's Diary Movie, it contains breathtaking images and heartwarming quotes... It will uplift and inspire you! You can also visit the Cat Lover's Diary on Facebook and Twitter.

Cat Urine Solutions: Get Rid of the Odor for Good

Odor Removal