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Pet Hair and Pet Odor Removal From Your Vehicle

Odor Removal

We all love our pets, however we don't always love the messes our pets leave behind for us. If you have ever had to travel with your pet then you have probably had to clean your vehicle up after them, at one point or another. Common issues when driving with a pet in your car are urine, feces, vomit, anal gland spray (skunks aren't the only animal with them) and hair. Believe it or not pet hair is actually the hardest thing to remove because it is able to get into every tiny crack, small crevasse and in between the fibers of your seats. Most people, however, are more concerned with their pet's excrements that have been left behind due to their odor. Both will be addressed in this article.

Lets start with the biggest concern most people have, foul odors left behind by your pet. The severity of the mess determines how it should be dealt with. If you have a small dog or cat that left a little wet spot on the seat then a simple spot treatment of the area with a little water and degreaser to remove the stain, blot dry and follow with an enzymatic cleaner should do the trick. However, if your Great Dane just created a puddle on your floorboard then you may need to call a professional automotive detailer for assistance.

The location of the pet mess is also another factor. If you are lucky the mess is contained to your floor mat and these can be taken out and hosed off. If a stain persists, scrub it with water and a degreaser. It is possible to wash your floor mats in your washer and dryer just be sure to wash on the gentle cycle and dry with low heat. If you do choose to wash your floor mats in your home washer, be sure to thoroughly rinse them with a hose outside before hand to avoid leaving excess debris in your washer. If the mess crept onto the floorboard the most important thing is to dry the area completely as soon as possible. A towel is good but a wet/dry shop vacuum works best. The area should then be cleaned with a degreaser, dried, and treated with an enzymatic cleaner. The most problematic are the seats, particularly fabric, because of the foam in them that acts as a sponge soaking up all liquids. Immediate removal of the liquid is advised; the longer the liquid is in contact with the seat the more of it that will get into the cushion. Steam cleaning is recommended for fabric seats by either renting one or calling a professional car detailer. The seat will need to be treated with an enzymatic cleaner to remove the odor and may need to be treated several times to fully remove the odor from the cushion.

Pet hair is another concern amongst their owners. It gets everywhere! If you have fabric seats, it is recommended that you get a seat cover, particularly a water resistant one. For starters, start with a dry microfiber or small towel at your headliner and wipe down every area of your car. Next vacuum all of the loose debris, crumbs and pet hair from your vehicle. Next use a rubber pet brush and scrub any problem areas that still have pet hair. Be sure to start at the top of your vehicles interior (wherever the pet air starts) and work your way down. A simple stroking motion with a little pressure should be enough to dislodge the pet hair from where it was stuck. At the same time, the motion of the rubber bristles on the brush creates friction that will attract the pet hair like a magnet. Be sure to periodically clean the pet hair from the brush. The pet hair brush will push all of the hair into a pile. This is then easily vacuumed up.

Don't let your pet's messes come between your traveling, take them along. It is ideal to have a crate or water resistant seat cover for your pet to travel with. If you don't have either a simple solution is to use an old sheet or beach towel. It is also a good idea to bring along a couple of extra towels that can be used to clean up any accidents. Remember immediate removal of any liquid messes will reduce the damage they can cause. Once you realize your pet has made a mess in the vehicle pull over to a safe area and remove the mess. Next time you are planning a road trip make sure to include your best friend because no one likes to be left behind.

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