Unlike other unpleasant conditions which you can keep to yourself, it's hard to shield the ones around you from fishy vaginal smells. You may have already discovered that conventional meds may give a little temporary relief, but will not cure the condition. If you are wondering how to treat bad vaginal odor naturally, you may be pleased to learn that there are some simple strategies you can use which will get rid of this condition once and for all.
Firstly, it's a good idea NOT to wash the vagina more than twice a day as you could actually be making matters worse. By repeatedly depleting the vagina's natural lubricants, you could be causing more discharge to form. In addition, although perfumed products can temporarily mask the smell, the harshness of some products can cause irritation, triggering a discharge.
Next, pay particular attention to hygiene around the time of your monthly period. Even when the flow is light, change your sanitary protection regularly as stale blood can smell unpleasant.
One good tip for women wanting to know how to treat bad vaginal odor naturally is to always wear cotton panties. Synthetic material can trap in warmth and moisture, creating the perfect conditions for bacterial growth which can cause a bad odor.
One way to mask the odor a little is to wear thin panty pads. These can absorb a surprisingly large amount of odor and discharge and have the benefit that they can be changed regularly during the day-a real boon if you are at work!
You may find that these simple measures are all that is required to treat bad vaginal odor naturally. However, if the smell is fishy in nature and is accompanied with a gray or white discharge and you have irritation around the vagina, it is likely that you have bacterial vaginosis. This very common condition affects most women at some point during their lives but is easily treatable. It is caused by an imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina.
OdorA natural treatment will help strengthen the immune system, giving the body the ability to fight and kill the bad bacteria present in the vagina. There are three excellent treatments, all of which are completely guaranteed to work not only to give fast relief, but to stop the condition permanently. If you are one of the many thousands of women who have recurrent attacks, then this is absolutely vital.
Don't despair though-these treatments will work even if you can't seem to shake off bacterial vaginosis.
For further helpful information about BV and to see details of exactly how to treat bad vaginal odor naturally, please visit Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis.