Go through Make Home Odor-Free With Natural Deodorizing Product much more

Unpleasant odors is quite a common problem in all households. Usually overtime, furniture can accumulate different kinds of odors which are not easy to remove. Even if you clean and dust your home properly everyday, there are certain unpleasant odors which linger on and continue to annoy. Some odors such as cigarette smoke or pet urine can linger in your home for days or even weeks.

At times, people think of using strong deodorizers to remove unpleasant smells. However these strong deodorizing products offer only a temporary deodorizing solution. Most of the times, these strong deodorizers containing harmful chemicals only manage to mask the odor instead of removing it completely. The main objective of using a deodorizer is to get rid of the odor and not just to cover it up with another perfumed scent. These added odors get caught in the fabric and make the job of removing odor even more difficult . Moreover these strong deodorizing products contain harmful chemicals which pollute the air and their continuous use can be hazardous for your health in the long run.

At times people believe that using bulky steam cleaning machines carpets can remove the odor. Unfortunately these bulky machines allow the odor to set in through the combination of moisture and heat rather than removing it. Same goes for the vacuum cleaners. Lots of people quite often vacuum clean their furniture which only adds up to the odor. To ensure thorough removal of odor, you must use a good, natural deodorizing product. The benefit of using all-natural and Eco-friendly deodorizing product is that it eliminates the odor completely instead of just covering it with another scent and minimize the risk of stains. You can use steam cleaner or vacuum cleaner on the furniture and then use non-toxic deodorizing products.

Before using deodorizing product on the carpet, find out whether the odor has set in through the bottom of the carpet. If it has, then hold the carpet upside down and then apply or spray the deodorizer there. After using deodorizer on the carpet, let the carpet dry. And after some time, smell the deodorized area for any lingering odors.

Opt for Natural and Eco-friendly deodorizing products

The best and most effective way to eliminate odor from any surface is to use an all-natural and non-toxic deodorizing product which deodorizes and removes odor without the use of any chemicals. The major advantage of using these Eco-friendly deodorizing products for deodorizing services is that unlike other toxic deodorizers, they don't pose any danger to you or your home environment and guarantee thorough removal of odors from any surface be it furniture, carpets, drapes, bathrooms or kitchens. And unlike their chemical counterparts, natural deodorizing products don't mask the odor; instead their unique blend of microbes, antioxidants and enzymes eliminates the odor. Moreover natural deodorizing products don't discolor the fabric or leave any stain on the furniture. You can use them liberally in kitchens, bathrooms, carpets, drapes etc. You can make use of natural and non-toxic deodorizing products regularly to make your home smell fresh and remain odor-free.

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Make Home Odor-Free With Natural Deodorizing Product

Read through Pet Hair and Pet Odor Removal From Your Vehicle extra

Pet Hair and Pet Odor Removal From Your Vehicle

Odor Removal

We all love our pets, however we don't always love the messes our pets leave behind for us. If you have ever had to travel with your pet then you have probably had to clean your vehicle up after them, at one point or another. Common issues when driving with a pet in your car are urine, feces, vomit, anal gland spray (skunks aren't the only animal with them) and hair. Believe it or not pet hair is actually the hardest thing to remove because it is able to get into every tiny crack, small crevasse and in between the fibers of your seats. Most people, however, are more concerned with their pet's excrements that have been left behind due to their odor. Both will be addressed in this article.

Lets start with the biggest concern most people have, foul odors left behind by your pet. The severity of the mess determines how it should be dealt with. If you have a small dog or cat that left a little wet spot on the seat then a simple spot treatment of the area with a little water and degreaser to remove the stain, blot dry and follow with an enzymatic cleaner should do the trick. However, if your Great Dane just created a puddle on your floorboard then you may need to call a professional automotive detailer for assistance.

The location of the pet mess is also another factor. If you are lucky the mess is contained to your floor mat and these can be taken out and hosed off. If a stain persists, scrub it with water and a degreaser. It is possible to wash your floor mats in your washer and dryer just be sure to wash on the gentle cycle and dry with low heat. If you do choose to wash your floor mats in your home washer, be sure to thoroughly rinse them with a hose outside before hand to avoid leaving excess debris in your washer. If the mess crept onto the floorboard the most important thing is to dry the area completely as soon as possible. A towel is good but a wet/dry shop vacuum works best. The area should then be cleaned with a degreaser, dried, and treated with an enzymatic cleaner. The most problematic are the seats, particularly fabric, because of the foam in them that acts as a sponge soaking up all liquids. Immediate removal of the liquid is advised; the longer the liquid is in contact with the seat the more of it that will get into the cushion. Steam cleaning is recommended for fabric seats by either renting one or calling a professional car detailer. The seat will need to be treated with an enzymatic cleaner to remove the odor and may need to be treated several times to fully remove the odor from the cushion.

Pet hair is another concern amongst their owners. It gets everywhere! If you have fabric seats, it is recommended that you get a seat cover, particularly a water resistant one. For starters, start with a dry microfiber or small towel at your headliner and wipe down every area of your car. Next vacuum all of the loose debris, crumbs and pet hair from your vehicle. Next use a rubber pet brush and scrub any problem areas that still have pet hair. Be sure to start at the top of your vehicles interior (wherever the pet air starts) and work your way down. A simple stroking motion with a little pressure should be enough to dislodge the pet hair from where it was stuck. At the same time, the motion of the rubber bristles on the brush creates friction that will attract the pet hair like a magnet. Be sure to periodically clean the pet hair from the brush. The pet hair brush will push all of the hair into a pile. This is then easily vacuumed up.

Don't let your pet's messes come between your traveling, take them along. It is ideal to have a crate or water resistant seat cover for your pet to travel with. If you don't have either a simple solution is to use an old sheet or beach towel. It is also a good idea to bring along a couple of extra towels that can be used to clean up any accidents. Remember immediate removal of any liquid messes will reduce the damage they can cause. Once you realize your pet has made a mess in the vehicle pull over to a safe area and remove the mess. Next time you are planning a road trip make sure to include your best friend because no one likes to be left behind.

Visit our Auto Detailing Blog for tips and how to articles.

Read The Key to Dog Odor Removal a lot more

The Key to Dog Odor Removal

Odor Removal

Odor Removal

If you own one or more dogs, then you want to know about dog odor removal. Actually, there are several ways to come about this question. There is odor prevention, odor cover-up and odor removal. They all work together since the ultimate goal is not to have odor in your house.

Dog Odor Prevention

Let's start with odor prevention, since really we do not want odors to start in our house. The best thing to do to prevent odor is to brush your dog. I know many people recommend bathing your dog but brushing your dog works better than bathing. Brush your dog on a daily basis to keep your dog smelling clean and fresh.

Second, pick up the dog poop every day. In addition, you can buy doggy bags that have additional scent. The bags can seal up the smell and add a nice scent to your garbage. This will prevent your backyard and trash from smelling while adding a fresh scent to your trash.

Finally, make sure to wash doggy beds and blankets, as these are your big offenders. Try to wash these as often as you can. If you can wash them on a weekly basis, your house will smell much better.

Dog Odor Cover-Up

Many commercial products exist to help cover-up bad dog smell. Personally, I like the dog perfume drops. The way they work is you add a few drops to the back of the neck for small dogs and a few more to the tail for large dogs. I use it when my dogs have gotten into something funky or have been sprayed by a skunk. It last a few days and it comes in a variety of smells.

For the home, you can also buy vacuum pearls and other powders that absorb the smell. Generally, you sprinkle it on the carpet and wait several minutes before vacuuming it away. These only last a few hours. Therefore, do not spend too much money on the expensive stuff.

Dog Odor Removal

When your dog does have an accident, it is important to remove it immediately. Wet odors are so much easier to remove than dry odors. Here is a fabulous tip you probably won't find anywhere else. Go down to your local janitorial store. Ask them for pet urine cleaner. Now you will have to buy an industrial size bottle that cost about $30 and will last you forever and a day. This stuff has a weird smell at first but once it is gone, the smell is gone for good.

For dry odors (odors that you can't see anymore), you will need a black light. You can use the same stuff you got at the janitor store but it may take more than one cleaning. You can also buy some enzyme cleaners from pet stores that will break up the urine stains and help rid the house of the odor.

The Petlane Guarantee ensures that you will be 100% satisfied with any product you purchase from Petlane. To order pet products based on the physical, social, emotional and intellectual well being of our companion animals please visit PetLane Supplies.

Go through 5 Ways to Get Rid of Pet Hair in Your Home additional

Our dogs and cats can bring smiles to our faces and joy to our hearts, but those little fur balls also leave hair all over our households. Pet hair is a real nuisance. It's big enough so that your neighbors can see it on your couch, yet too small to pick up with just your hands. It collects not only on our fabric furniture and carpets, but our clothing as well. In addition, pet hair can often cause allergic reactions not only in humans but surprisingly in pets as well. Let's face it, pet hair is not an easy thing to clean, but these five tips should help keep life a little less hairy.

Use Lint Roller. While you should try to keep your pet off of your furniture and out of your closet, the lint roller can be a very effective tool for removing hair from those attracting surfaces. Simply grab the handle and roll the adhesive surface up, down and across any item. The sticky surface grabs each strand and when you're done, you just peel off the old piece and a new one is there under it ready for use. Also, mainly used for big pieces of furniture like couches and chairs, sticky sheets are extremely effective for hair removal. Sticky Sheet act like the lint roller except it's larger and more adhesive. It is made up of a large transparent piece of plastic with a sticky surface on one side. You apply the sheet with your hand on the desired surface and then peel away. One sheet should be able to de-hair all of the furniture in your living room. Keep in mind furniture is only half the battle.

Vacuum Often. Our rugs are where our cats and dogs spend must of their time so, maintaining their cleanliness is not always the easiest task. A vacuum is a necessity when it comes to owning a pet, but you can't just own it; you have to use it all the time. I know it sounds tedious, but it's completely necessary in maintaining rugs, drapes and furniture. We recommend to all our Denver house cleaning clients to get small vacuums with detachable handles, which would allow you to get into all the nooks and crannies.

Brush Your Pets Regularly. Brushing your cats and dogs everyday, outside removes dead, unwanted hair and gets rid of tangles and decreases the amount of hair that ends up in your house in the first place.

Wash Your Carpet. Giving your cat or dog a bath twice a week will greatly decrease you're the amount of hair around the house. Similar to brushing, shampooing and scrubbing your pets coat will get rid of dead hair and moisturize the skin making the follicles stronger. Try Anti-Allergen Solution. This shampoo will not only decrease shedding but, it will clear up dander for your allergic friends.

Hire a professional cleaning service. This could be the first step in the process if the pet hair problem is out of control, hiring a professional crew will give you a head start on controlling the hair problem in the long run.

Odor Removal Products

Getting rid of pet hair is not an easy task but it is certainly doable if you are consistent with following the tips listed above. For more easy-to-follow advice on keeping your home clean please visit our Denver cleaning service website.

5 Ways to Get Rid of Pet Hair in Your Home

Odor Removal Products

Read through Feminine Odor - Causes and Treatments additional


We are all very careful with our bodies though sometimes no matter how hard we try to maintain top notch hygiene things can go wrong. Vaginal odor is one of those types of issues that plague many women but few get treatment for due to the sensitive nature of it. Odor tends to come about due to inflammation of the pubic area of women. There can be a handful of causes of this bad smell such as bacterial vaginosis, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, vaginitis and even a number of other sexually transmitted diseases.

It is possible that the cause of the odor is nothing more than accidental lack of cleanliness or hygiene but as previously stated some things that are harmful to your health can cause it. If you find that you are suffering from vaginal odor no matter what you do to try to cure it then it is best to seek the advice of a physician. I know that it can be a bit tough to discuss something this delicate with a stranger but the bottom line is that a doctor can help cure it and prevent future occurrences.

If you decide to go on your own with treatment then you need to find a safe and effective product. There are lots of things on the market and the best way to find the right one is to read up on them and to talk with women that have used them and are pleased with the result. Treat your body like a temple and keep it in perfect health.

Cure your vaginal odor with the best product available.

Feminine Odor - Causes and Treatments

Examine Cat Urine Odor: Top Ways To Stop It Fast And Remove the Smell far more

Cat Urine Odor: Top Ways To Stop It Fast And Remove the Smell

Odor Removal Products

Cats are wonderful companions, but when they start to urinate in the wrong places, such as in your carpet or on your couch, then your companion becomes not so wonderful. In this article I will show you the top reasons why cats urinate inappropriately, the top ways to solve this, plus my most effective at home remedy to eliminate the odor. You'll find out how to prevent this from happening again, keeping your home free from the unpleasant odor of cat urine.

Cats choose to urinate outside their litter box for a variety of reasons. Some cats will urinate due to a medical condition called feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD); in this condition there is pain and inflammation. Kidney disease can cause increased drinking and urination, while diabetes can lead to increased drinking and bladder infections. Some cats have issues with the litter box, as it may be the wrong type of litter, or are located in a place with too much traffic. In other situations, cats will urinate due to behavior; such as the stress of being inside, anxiety with another cat, or just because an unfamiliar new 'object' is present.

Litter box problems are best treated by changing litters to one your cats prefers ( such as clumping clay litter), placing them in more private areas in your home, and by having more litter boxes available. The litter must be cleaned regularly, as cats will be averse to using it due to smell, and not being fresh.

Medical conditions require a diagnosis at your veterinarian starting with an analysis of the urine. Kidney failure and diabetes require specific diets, medication based on test results, and in the case of diabetes, insulin can be needed. FLUTD, or bladder inflammation can respond to conventional and alternative treatments. These include: canned food increasing moisture content, supplements to decrease inflammation, such as Glucosamine, and/or anti-anxiety conventional medication such as amitriptyline. The cat glucosamine dose is 100mg per 10lbs of body weight daily.

Cat behavior urination requires you to decrease the stress causing your cat to urinate in the wrong places. Behavioral urination occurs more often in un-neutered/ unsprayed cats; if this is the case with your cat then have them spayed or neutered. Top holistic remedies to decrease anxiety in your cat include the pheromone called Feliway; it is available as a spray or plug in diffuser. Bach Rescue Remedy may make your anxious cat feel calmer and more secure. Place 1 drop twice daily in your cat's mouth. Try this for 3-4 weeks. Valerian may decrease anxiety in your cat, but it must be given for 2 weeks. The dose is 50 mg per lb of body weight of the dried herb or 1 drop per lb of body weight twice daily of the extract.

Removing the smell of cat urine is key to preventing this from happening again. Cats tend to go back to the same area that they have urinated on in the past. There are a number of commercial urine odor removal products, but I have found a particular home recipe very effective. If the urine is fresh, soak up as much as possible with a cloth or paper towel. Mix up this recipe for odor neutralizer (may lighten fabric so test a spot first) 1 cup hydrogen peroxide ( 3%), 1 tsp baking soda, 1 quick squirt liquid dish soap. Mix well and completely saturate on carpet/fabric that has been urinated on, and let air dry. Some people find mixing in a spray bottle and spraying it on is easier. Wait 24-48 hours then vacuum your carpet/couch, or wash your peed on shirt.

You can stop your cat from urinating in the wrong places in your house if you follow my above suggestions, a successfully remove the foul odor. If your cat is drinking more than normal, or urinating frequently with blood, then have a veterinarian determine the cause. If feline urinary tract disease is found, follow the basic principles of increasing fluid in your cats diet with canned food, decrease inflammation with supplements such as glucosamine, and decrease stress in your cat with remedies such as the natural pheromone, Feliway. Use my advised home recipe to remove the smell of cat urine, and if you follow all of
the steps, this may never happen again.

Dr Andrew Jones is the author of a Free Ebook, Cat Health Secrets, which gives you over 100 safe, natural and effective at home remedies to solve your cat's health problems quickly and easily at home. He reveals what Vaccines to AVOID and what to give, The BEST food to feed, plus HOW to save money on veterinary fees. Your FREE CAT HEALTH SECRETS BOOK is at http://www.theonlinevet.com.

Read How to Cure Vaginal Odor Using Home Remedies more

Vaginal Odor is really embarrassing for a woman. The very common reason for Vaginal Odor is Bacterial Vaginosis which is caused by an infection of bacteria in which the vagina discharges white liquid with a fishy smell and causes severe itching. The Vaginal Odor is not at all dangerous if a person take the necessary precautions at the right time. Though, it upsets a woman when people around her notice the Vaginal Odor.

There are several prescribed treatments like the conventional ones by using antibiotics as well as the natural treatments which are described below to get rid of Vaginal Smell:

o Curb your diet. Avoid having the kind of food and drink that add up to this problem. Some of those are bread, beer, coffee, mushrooms, sugar foods etc. The intake of these increases yeast in Vagina which produces odor. So reduce or cut these foods from your diet. This simple habit can make a remarkable difference.

o Another home remedy to reduce Vaginal Odor is to mix 5-6 ounces of water with 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. Apply this solution to your Vagina. As tea tree oil is anti-bacterial in nature and helps fight fungus, it helps you to prevent the bacteria that add to the Vaginal Odor.

o Try not to wear fancy panties. The synthetic used in these panties may not be good to you. These underwear looks pretty but this only aggravate the condition. Instead, it is suggested to use cotton underwear.

o Avoid using body washes and scented soaps as much as you can. The use of these products also worsens the situation and put you in the extremely upsetting situation. Use unscented and a plain soap which minimizes the chances of the discharge that produce feminine odor.

o Take 7-8 ounces of water and add 1 table spoon of chlorophyll in it and ingest the mixture. As chlorophyll is given by green plants, is a natural deodorizer. You tongue may turn to blackish in color or the color of your urine becomes green when you take chlorophyll. This is natural and you do not need to worry about it as this is common. Chlorophyll is totally harmful and does not have any side effects. However, it is advised to visit your doctor before you consume chlorophyll if you are being medicated.

o You can insert a tampon into your vagina after dipping it into the yogurt. This would make sure that the healthy bacteria fights with the unhealthy one. This will help in preventing the odor to get worsen. Ensure that the yogurt does not contain sugar and should not be flavored. Simple remove the tampon and wash your vagina.

By simply following the above methods, a woman can see the difference without really have to visit the doctor to get rid of the vaginal odor.


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How to Cure Vaginal Odor Using Home Remedies


Examine How to Treat Bad Vaginal Odor Naturally additional

Unlike other unpleasant conditions which you can keep to yourself, it's hard to shield the ones around you from fishy vaginal smells. You may have already discovered that conventional meds may give a little temporary relief, but will not cure the condition. If you are wondering how to treat bad vaginal odor naturally, you may be pleased to learn that there are some simple strategies you can use which will get rid of this condition once and for all.

Firstly, it's a good idea NOT to wash the vagina more than twice a day as you could actually be making matters worse. By repeatedly depleting the vagina's natural lubricants, you could be causing more discharge to form. In addition, although perfumed products can temporarily mask the smell, the harshness of some products can cause irritation, triggering a discharge.

Next, pay particular attention to hygiene around the time of your monthly period. Even when the flow is light, change your sanitary protection regularly as stale blood can smell unpleasant.

One good tip for women wanting to know how to treat bad vaginal odor naturally is to always wear cotton panties. Synthetic material can trap in warmth and moisture, creating the perfect conditions for bacterial growth which can cause a bad odor.

One way to mask the odor a little is to wear thin panty pads. These can absorb a surprisingly large amount of odor and discharge and have the benefit that they can be changed regularly during the day-a real boon if you are at work!

You may find that these simple measures are all that is required to treat bad vaginal odor naturally. However, if the smell is fishy in nature and is accompanied with a gray or white discharge and you have irritation around the vagina, it is likely that you have bacterial vaginosis. This very common condition affects most women at some point during their lives but is easily treatable. It is caused by an imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina.


A natural treatment will help strengthen the immune system, giving the body the ability to fight and kill the bad bacteria present in the vagina. There are three excellent treatments, all of which are completely guaranteed to work not only to give fast relief, but to stop the condition permanently. If you are one of the many thousands of women who have recurrent attacks, then this is absolutely vital.

Don't despair though-these treatments will work even if you can't seem to shake off bacterial vaginosis.

For further helpful information about BV and to see details of exactly how to treat bad vaginal odor naturally, please visit Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis.

How to Treat Bad Vaginal Odor Naturally

Read Vaginal Odor - What to Do About Vaginal Odor? a lot more

If a strong or foul odor is what you are noticing in the vagina, you need to get an internal examination done immediately. And in case your doctor rules out infection because of foreign bodies, you may take natural supplements/ vitamins to cure problems from the inside. Perfumed products must not be used internally at all and douching must also be avoided as that may disrupt pH of vagina causing worse odor. Douches are also not recommended. Many people often wonder 'what to do about vaginal odor'.

In case your vagina gives Godzilla's breath like smell, it is not only embarrassing but is a cause of concern also. It may be indicating some infection (bacterial/ viral/ yeast). Change in color or odor or amount of discharge must be informed to doctor immediately.

Although it is very embarrassing but there is big number of woman who need to deal with it at one or other phase of life. Although a little smell is always there in vagina but that is perfectly normal. There is no need to be concerned about that. But if you notice any change in odor, then it needs your attention and medical assessment.

At the bottom of this article I give you the link of the best service that available on the internet now.

A transition in vaginal smell might suggest a medical issue. It could be bacterial infection creating fishy smell or maybe STD (sexually transmitted infection) or simple yeast infection. These may change natural smell that comes from vaginal discharge. Now question is what to do about vaginal odor?

• You may overcome it using good hygiene. We get little stinky at times and cleanliness puts a great impact not only on vaginal odor but also on body odor. It is not only important for sexual living but in addition any personal odor can lower your self-confidence levels. Cleansers that are scented or harsh body soaps must not be used when you want to know 'what to do with vaginal odor'. Plain soap without moisturizers/scents/ dyes/ flower chunks/ scrubby material, just nothing. Loose cotton clothes must be worn and any synthetic type material thongs are not healthy choices. In fact, they may contribute to problem as they are airtight. Douches may be used to control but they must be used with care as there have been instances when douching has increased the problem rather than solving it. Healthy vagina would certainly mean healthy odor.

• You must eat right food; avoid fast foods as they make people stink. You must exercise regularly so that blood circulation improves and fresh air moves in the body. Condoms must be used while having sex as that would prevent spreading the disease/ infection. Visit your gynecologist regularly and ask what to do with vaginal odor.

• Yogurt infuses 'good bacteria' in your diet so add it to your food.

• Panty liners help by absorbing discharge and mask the embarrassing smells and are lightweight, cheap, easy to use and comfortable also.

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Vaginal Odor - What to Do About Vaginal Odor?

Study Natural Cure For Vaginal Odor a lot more

Vaginal odor is a common problem among a lot of women. Typically once you get an episode of feminine odor, it usually become recurring. Then you get to live life with the embarrassment all over again. If you are a woman who has bad vaginal odor, you know how desperate you are for a solution.

Having bad feminine odor can be caused by numerous ways. For instance, swimming in a pool or lounging in a hot tub with bacteria in it is a prime spot of a woman to get an infection. This infection is called bacterial vaginosis, and it is the reason for your odor.

A lot of women believe that you need the assistance of a doctor when treating an infection. Women think that you need a prescription in order to get better and for your vaginal odor to never return. However, the doctor is going to give you is either a messy cream that can make your situation worsen or a tiny pill that you will never remember to take. You need an easier solution for your odor. You want a natural cure for vaginal odor; something you can use in the comfort of your home.

There are options for you. There are natural cures for your problem that you can use at home. Filling up a bathtub with piping hot water and Epson salt will create an environment that will both soothe your body and also kill the infection. The hot water will make you feel clean and refreshed while the salt will work to kill the infection. Try this method of treatment today.


Unpleasant vaginal discharge and smell is a problem that plagues countless women and can reoccur every few months. There are effective treatments for the condition that don't just mask the odor, they actually treat the problem and eliminate it. If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site!

You don't have to be self conscious of your vaginal odor anymore. If it's interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help! You can rid yourself of unpleasant vaginal odor today.

Natural Cure For Vaginal Odor

Study Skunk Smell Removal - Dos and Don'ts a lot more

Skunk Smell Removal - Dos and Don'ts

Odor Removal

If a pet, person, or valuable object has just been sprayed by a skunk, the chances are that you're not going to make the best decisions to aid skunk smell removal. Here's a quick list of things to do to make sure the skunk smell removal process goes quickly and painlessly.

Don't let the sprayed person or pet touch anything. Skunk spray is an oily liquid and will easily spread to anything that it touches. So whatever the pet or person touches will also need to be cleaned.

Do try removing the skunk odor outside if possible. This will keep your house clean and the fresh air will help to make the odor not as concentrated.

Don't bring your pet inside because they will immediately try to shake the wetness off themselves and will begin to rub against beds, walls, carpets, and anything else to get the odor off.

Don't bring a person inside fully clothed. If you absolutely have to bring a person inside, have them remove the clothing that was sprayed and completely wrap the person in an old towel or blanket (that you will throw away). Once inside don't let them touch anything (take them directly to the bathroom).

Don't take a bath or a shower. Skunk spray will not wash off. If you take a bath or a shower you will smear and spread the skunk spray across other portions of your body.

Once you complete the above steps you will be able to administer the appropriate skunk smell removal recipe to completely eliminate the skunk odor. Since the exact recipe varies based on your situation I recommend trying a proven skunk smell removal recipe that you can make at home from the internet.

For more information on making a skunk smell removal formula with household items, the author recommends you visit http://www.FastSkunkSmellRemoval.com.

Study Air Cleaner or Purifier For Basements extra

Odor Removal Products

Are you lucky enough to have a basement in your house? Perhaps you are and it is useful sometimes isn't it? You use it for a variety of things no doubt. Maybe your basement is used as sort of extra storage facility. You put all the extra stuff you haven't used since Christmas in or you just have a lot of extra things that never get used and you put it in your basement.

Basements sometimes get dirty. Fact. You might not think that you can do anything about it. You might not think that it's worth the time to purify or clean the air. Consider the health of the family. Do you want a safe environment for your children? As a good parent you will want to do anything and everything to protect your children from allergies and all sort of nasty diseases. Does your child have asthma? If so then not only is it absolutely necessary to keep your entire house clean but your garage, attic and your basement need to be clean as well. If you child has ever had an asthma attack then you will understand the importance of making sure the environment is clean, clear and safe.

Ever considered purchasing an air cleaner or purifier for your basement? You may be thinking it's expensive but the prices are not as pricey as you might expect. As with all products you can find good quality at reasonable prices if you shop around. The Internet is a good place to start and you can find some great deals. When looking for an air purifier there are many good brands to consider.

Brands like Austin Air, NQ Clarifier, IQ Air Healthpro and Aller Air 400 are the best products for cleaning and purifying the basement. The Austin Air Allergy Machine Air Purifier is the same product that is used in many hospitals. Hospitals have to be clean to avoid highly contagious germs like MRSA that spread easily in a hospital. With all the human contact that goes in and out of a hospital they need a product that can be relied upon to clean and purifier to a quality standard. What's safe in hospitals is safe for the home.

When choosing a product however make sure that you read the specifics because some products are more targeted toward allergies and some to killing germs. Protection from allergies for the whole family is essential and a fact of modern life. With our ever-faster pace of life you can't spend your spare time thinking about cleanliness. You need products that do the work for you automatically. An Air Cleaner or Purifier for your basements is a step in that direction. Be safe and be clean.

Our mission at [http://buy-air-purifier.com] is to spread the awareness of indoor pollution and how it can affect your health.

We've got a great selection of new and used air purifiers designed for different purposes: asthma and allergy relief, pet odor removal, smoke odor removal and more.

If you have any questions about our products please contact us at airpurifierspro@buy-air-purifier.com

and visit our site for more valuable information [http://buy-air-purifier.com]

Check http://www.squidoo.com/allergy-relief-air-purifiers for more information on allergy related issues caused by indoor air pollution

Air Cleaner or Purifier For Basements

Odor Removal Products