Study New Carpet Odor more

New carpet odor can be very strong, and can can be so bad that it can cause headaches, for some people. It is caused by the gasses given off by the adhesives used to manufacture the carpet. The odors also come from flame retardants, and dyes. New carpet smell is not an odor that I like.

It is usually strong and lasts for days, sometime weeks. There are several chemicals used in carpets to protect the fibers from moths and moisture. Most carpets are made from man made fibers, that can give off odors. Natural fibers such as wool, can also be treated with chemicals for various reasons.

You can avoid having any odor in a new carpet by searching for a carpet that is made with only natural products, and is not treated with any chemicals. This type of carpet will probably be more expensive, but may be worth it, if you want to avoid the unpleasant smell.

Ventilate the room by opening all windows, for a few days and stay out of the room during this time. Another tip is to sprinkle borax on the carpet, and leave it over night. The following day vacuum, well by going over the area many times. You do not want to leave any of the borax in the fibers. If it gets damp, it will be difficult to remove.

One more option is to have the carpet steam cleaned by your local carpet cleaner.

Usually the odor will go away over time. Keep this in mind before you order new carpet for your home.


For more tips on cleaning New carpet odor [] and many other carpet stains, from carpet. I have added many homemade cleaning tips that you can use. Clean with non toxic products you already have in your home. Easy Homemade Carpet Stains [] cleaning tips.

New Carpet Odor