Cat Urine Smell and Its Causes
Odor RemovalThere are a number of smelly things in the world, and while cat urine smell probably doesn't rank near the top of the list, it is still definitely something you want to avoid at all costs. The truth of the matter, however, is that cat pee smell is something cat owners encounter time and time again, especially given the fact that cats use their urine for territorial purposes.
Cats, like dogs, are very territorial creatures, and have been known to use their urine to mark their territories. It's just as common to see a dog run around the house, raise its leg and urinate as it is to see a cat back up, raise its tail, and urinate on your couch, or drapes, or wall, or carpet.
Litter boxes are commercially-available cat toilets that may be filled with a variety of materials, ranging from silicon crystals to sawdust to orange peel. These materials absorb the urine and make the cat urine smell somewhat more tolerable for the pet owner. Still, some pet owners find themselves pulling out their hair at stubborn cats that manage to completely ignore their litter boxes. The result is a house that reeks of cat urine smell. And for someone who owns a territorial kitty, going around on ones hands and knees trying to locate the problem is a less than pleasant experience. Cleaning the pee is an even worse experience. And the worst of them all is getting rid of the smell that comes with pungent cat pee.
The reason for such overpowering cat urine smell comes from the way cats are built. First, cats are, by nature, territorial. As such, their pee contains enzymes and ammonia that clearly mark their territory, especially to other cats seeking to intrude on their territory. The smell of these enzymes and bacteria are all the more noticeable to the feline sense of smell, to serve as a reminder of the boundaries of their territory. Unfortunately, the smell isn't confined to the feline sense of smell and thus never fails to remind us that there is indeed a cat in the house.
Cats conserve a lot of energy and so they spend much of their time sleeping. This makes their urine highly concentrated, and even for people, highly concentrated urine is way more pungent. This contributes to the foulness of strong cat urine smell.
Cat pee smell is definitely not something a pet owner wants. Rather, it actually poses a strain on the pet owners relationship with his cat, as the owner often mistakes his pets misdeed as a mere sign of lack of discipline. In line with this, it is important to understand the precise reason for your cats behavior - that is, its territorial nature and possibly also her sleeping habits - so as to make sure you do not harbor ill feelings towards your cats bad, uncontrollable habits.
By the way, you can discover how I have dealt with a cat that has an inappropriate urination problem by reading Cat Urine Smell - The Story Of Topaz. Make sure you also pick up the FREE 'Removing Cat Urine Smell Revealed' Report where I go into more detail about solutions to this problem. Go to Cat Urine Smell Blog and get it right now!