Study Foot Odor Treatment - Get Rid of Smelly Feet additional

One way to get rid of stinky feet is by prevention. You can prevent having foot odor by making sure that you keep your feet clean. Keep your feet dry thorough out to prevent any moisture remaining in your feet. This kind of moisture may also cause bad odor. You should also make an effort of wearing acrylic socks. This type of socks will absorb any kind of moisture in your feet and are warm and comfortable. Socks made of nylons will cause feet odor.

Vodka can also get rid of foot odor. It contains alcohol, which is an antiseptic that dries immediately. Take a clean cloth and soak it in vodka then wipe your feet. It works by eliminating bacteria and fungus on the feet that cause foot odor.

You can also prevent smelly feet by foot sprays. There are available in the market at an affordable rate. They normally work by absorbing the sweat in the feet and keeping your feet cool. Spray your feet at least three times a day depending on your activities.

You can also treat smelly feet that is caused by sweat by getting a botox injection. It contains botulinum toxin that will reduce the amount of sweat in your body. It is quite costly but it works.

Another method involves treating the feet by placing them in a pool of water and subjecting them to a low electrical current. This treatment can be conducted three times a week to avoid foot odor. Consult any feet specialists in your area.

You can use a deodorant on your feet too. Put it right in the spots that there is a lot of friction between your feet and shoes. The other option would to get a surgery that interferes with the nerves that cause sweat. This method is also quite costly.


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Foot Odor Treatment - Get Rid of Smelly Feet
